Graham's Last Crusade -- June 26, 2005

ByABC News
June 26, 2005, 11:47 AM

  -- A weekly feature on This Week.

The Rev. Billy Graham set out 60 years ago to change the world by changing hearts, and he became a pastor to presidents and an American idol. Now 86 years old, Graham is on his final American crusade this weekend in New York. But Saturday night's sermon wasn't just about saving souls. Graham also had some career advice for his star guests.

The Rev. Billy Graham: "You already know the wonderful guests we have tonight: President and Mrs. Clinton.

"Many years ago, when I was speaking and he was in the audience, he had just spoken, and I told him before an audience that when he left the presidency he should be an evangelist. Because he has all the gifts. And he could leave his wife to run the country."

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart:

Stewart: "Even if the flag-burning amendment does end up becoming a law, the larger problem will remain of how to respectfully dispose of older tattered flags. Fortunately the U.S. official flag code has a suggestion about this. Quote: 'The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem of display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning.' Ow. Ouch."

The Tonight Show with Jay Leno:

Leno: "This has just got people up in arms. The Supreme Court ruled today that the government has the right to seize your land. They can take your land. And today, Native Americans said, 'Pfft! What else is new? Oh, what a surprise. Oh, wow, welcome to the club."

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart:

Stewart: "But condemning the alleged religious intolerance of the Air Force Academy isn't the hyperbole part -- that came from Indiana Republican John Hostettler."

Rep. John Hostettler, R-Ind. [on tape]: "Mr.Chairman, the long war on Christianity continues today on the floor of the United States House of Representatives."

Stewart: "Yes, the long war on Christianity. I pray that one day we may live in an America where Christians can worship freely, in broad daylight, openly wearing symbols of their religion, perhaps around their necks. And maybe -- dare I dream it -- maybe one day there could even be an openly Christian president, or perhaps 43 of them consecutively."

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