Michael Douglas Connects Kids
Feb. 18, 2007 — -- Michael Douglas won an Oscar for promoting greed in the movie "Wall Street." But his work with Global Nomads Group (click here to view the group's Web site) sends a very different message. The group is dedicated to connecting kids across cultures.
Michael Douglas: I think the Global Nomads Network has an ingenious idea -- using the technical facilities that we now have, i.e., video-conferencing.
That allows kids, without a muffler, hearing other kids from other countries speak … and I think it helps them to understand and feel more a part of the world.
One of the first programs was in 2003 with Iraq, Iraqi students, and it was actually about two weeks before the invasion. And it gave a chance for American students to be able to look eye-to-eye and begin to understand, more clearly, Iraqis as human beings. We will have a new generation of kids who are going to grow up, who will understand the world as a whole certainly will respect our interests and our own country -- but will understand the other pieces that go together to make this little planet of ours.