What Flight Attendants Really, Really Want You to Know

These women and men have pretty tough jobs.

ByABC News
March 22, 2015, 3:30 AM
Flight attendants' jobs require them to work nights, weekends, holidays, and often away from home.
Flight attendants' jobs require them to work nights, weekends, holidays, and often away from home.
Getty Images

— -- The last time flight attendants were considered glamorous, I suspect, was back when Nixon was in the White House.

These women and men have pretty tough jobs that require them to work nights, weekends and holidays, often away from home, stuck in an "office" where the closest thing to an employee break room is a galley the size of an airplane lavatory.

Worst of all is the occasional abuse they face whether refereeing a fight over the Knee Defender or enduring death threats like those allegedly hurled at a British Airways crew by Paris Hilton's younger brother (he later pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor assault charge).

So if flight attendants sometimes seem a little grumpy, cut them some slack and pay attention to what they really, really want you to know. The four points they want to make are based on chats with several anonymous flight attendants over the years, including a 40-year veteran of a major U.S. airline who is still flying today.

4. We are not babysitters

To anyone traveling with children, flight attendants ask that you please watch them. Not only will the cabin crew appreciate it, so will everyone else on the plane. If a little one is traveling solo, yes, a flight attendant will keep his or her eye out for problems. But if Junior truly requires a babysitter, he should be home with Nanny.

3. We are not baggage handlers

I once cited a poll from a few years back that indicated "80 percent of flight attendants have reported cuts, bruises, sprains and strains as a result of dealing with items in the overhead bins." Bins haven't been getting any emptier; in fact, after some flights I almost expect the first person reaching for his carry-on to set off an explosive burst of cascading clothes and toiletries. No, a flight attendant's job is not to lift and stow heavy bags (but they may give you a hand).

2. We are not waitresses

And a good thing too, since there's hardly any food on planes anymore. Not in domestic coach class, anyway. But be nice when they come by with that drink cart and you might even get an extra pack of mini-pretzels.

1. We are all about your safety

"Our culture is safety first," said the 40-year veteran flight attendant. And is flying safe? "Yes, definitely." This is borne out by her own experience: Despite all her years in the air, she has no tales to tell of crashes or diverted flights or even especially nerve-wracking experiences, which is why she appreciates the yearly FAA-mandated safety training. It reinforces what she and her colleagues know but rarely if ever use.

Some review training takes place in mock-ups of aircraft cabins that might be filled with smoke or violently shake to simulate turbulence. Flight attendants practice opening different airplane doors under these dicey conditions, sometimes by touch. Various worst-case scenarios are reviewed, from crash-landings to terrorist security breaches, and include basics like items that could be used as a weapon ("A coffee pot, for one thing," said the veteran). There are other procedures, she said, but some are too sensitive to talk about.

No one takes the training lightly, she added, because it feels so real. "It's a tense time for us," she said. "You hope it never happens, but you want to be ready to do the right thing." The right thing is keeping everyone on board a plane safe at all times.

So the next time you're asked to buckle your seat belt or stop clogging the aisle, or are told to get someone else to help you with that 50-pound carry-on, don't think the flight attendant is necessarily in a bad mood and don't think he or she doesn't care about you.

They do care about you and your survival. That is their job.

The opinions expressed by Rick Seaney in this column are his alone and do not reflect the views of ABC News.