91-Year-Old Oregon Woman Left Immobile After Wheelchair and Walker Allegedly Stolen

Edythe De La Rosa said the incident has left her limited to a chair at home.

October 18, 2016, 4:53 PM

— -- A 91-year-old woman from Marion County, Oregon, has been restricted to a chair in her home after her wheelchair and walker were allegedly stolen.

Edythe De La Rosa, who has outlived her husband and six children, is feeling lonelier and more helpless than ever because of the incident, ABC affiliate KATU in Oregon reported.

"I don't know, I don't know what to do," she told KATU. "I don't understand how anyone, Christian or not – how could they do that to a woman in my condition and of my age?"

De La Rosa believes her mobility aids were stolen sometime this weekend during a storm. She said she had put her wheelchair and walker in her van parked outside her house in case she needed to evacuate.

"I'm an old timer, she said. "When something's going to happen, you prepare."

PHOTO: Edythe De La Rosa, a 91-year-old woman from Stayton, Oregon, said she believes her van, which had her wheelchair and walker in it, was stolen sometime between Oct. 15, 2016 and Oct. 16, 2016. Her care keeper holds her as she cries.
Edythe De La Rosa, a 91-year-old woman from Stayton, Oregon, said she believes her van -- which had her wheelchair and walker -- was stolen sometime between Oct. 15, 2016 and Oct. 16, 2016. Her care keeper holds her as she cries.

Fortunately, the storm came and went without causing any significant damage. But De La Rosa was devastated when she realized her van — along with her wheelchair and walker — was gone.

"I can't do much. My hands don't work. I've had a stroke," she told KATU. "Why do that to me? What did I do to them?"

De La Rosa said her van, wheelchair and walker were priceless to her. She said she has been living on Social Security and had to save for over a year to afford the items.

She added that the day she got the walker, she felt she was in "seventh heaven" because she was finally able to get around by herself and tend to her flowers without help.

But now she is limited to a chair in her home and is completely dependent on her caretaker.

Edythe De La Rosa, a 91-year-old woman from Stayton, Oregon, said she believes her van -- which had her wheelchair and walker -- was stolen sometime between Oct. 15, 2016 and Oct. 16, 2016. She had a newspaper ad of the walker that was stolen.

De La Rosa's church community has since started a crowdfunding campaign to try to raise enough money to buy her a new van, wheelchair and walker, KATU reported.

ABC News was not immediately able to reach her or the organizer of the crowdfunding campaign for additional comment.

The Marion County Sheriff's Office did not immediately respond to ABC News' requests for comment.