Charleston Shooting Suspect Dylann Roof Competent to Stand Trial, His Lawyer Says

The accused shooter's trial date is scheduled for July 11, 2016.

ByABC News
July 16, 2015, 11:16 AM

— -- Accused Charleston church shooter Dylann Roof had a trial date set today at his second court appearance, where his lawyer said he is competent to stand trial.

The 21-year-old is charged with murdering nine people inside a historic black church in South Carolina last month and prosecutors say they may seek the death penalty.

Roof was silent and motionless throughout the 23-minute hearing this morning.

He was shackled and wearing a gray, striped state-issued jumpsuit during the hearing, just as he had during his June 19 bond hearing.

The trial date is set for July 11, 2016, and Roof's defense attorney says his client, who he said has a G.E.D., is fit to stand trial.

Public defender Ashley Pennington also waived the arraignment, meaning Roof has acknowledged the charges against him but will not enter a plea. Pennington also told the judge he would not be seeking bond, so the accused shooter will remain in jail until the trial. State Circuit Court Judge J.C. Nicholson said he wouldn't have granted bond, anyway.

Unlike his first hearing in June, none of the victims' relatives spoke in court today.

In this image from the video uplink from the detention center to the courtroom, Dylann Roof appears at Centralized Bond Hearing Court, June 19, 2015, in North Charleston, S.C.

Instead, Pennington and state prosecutor Scarlett Wilson focused on the logistics of the case and what possible evidence will be shared during the trial.

The judge announced he will allow one week to file a motion if anyone objects to showing graphic photos of the victims and 911 calls at the trial. They cannot be shared publicly until next week and will not be used if any such motions are filed.