Dallas Nurse With Ebola Visited Bridal Shop in Ohio

Health officials are retracing the steps of Amber Vinson.

ByABC News
October 16, 2014, 4:53 PM

CLEVELAND, Ohio -- The Dallas nurse who flew to Ohio before being diagnosed with Ebola visited a bridal shop along with seven bridesmaids, the store confirmed to ABC News today.

Coming Attractions Bridal and Formal in Akron is now closed, but owner Anna Younker said Amber Vinson, 29, now in isolation in Atlanta, was at the shop on Saturday so her friends could get measured and look at bridesmaid dresses.

Vinson, who bought her own wedding dress at the store last summer, wasn't showing any symptoms and was nice, calm and soft-spoken, Younker recalled.

A sales worker at the bridal shop noticed Vinson's photo on the news. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention told Younker and her workers not to worry in a series of phone calls, explaining that the woman was not contagious during her visit.

However, county health officials suggested they clean the store with regular household products, Younker said.

As a result, she closed the bridal shop today.

This comes as public health officials in Ohio retraced Vinson's steps. Vinson spent most of her time with her family near Akron, after flying there from Texas, Summit County Public Health officials said this morning during a news conference.

An ambulance carrying Amber Joy Vinson arrives at Emory University Hospital on Oct. 15, 2014, in Atlanta.

Vinson’s temperature was 99.5 degrees -– below the 100.4 reading for a fever, according to a federal official from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention -- before boarding a passenger flight on Monday to return to Dallas.

The officials said that Vinson had not visited restaurants, grocery stores or football games while in Ohio.

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