Detailed San Bernardino Documents Reveal Timeline, Shooter and Neighbor's Years-Long Friendship

The shooter's friend's arrest led to the release of more details.

ByABC News
December 18, 2015, 3:56 PM

— -- A detailed timeline of how the San Bernardino massacre unfolded and the nearly decade-old relationship between one of the shooters and his neighbor was revealed in a lengthy criminal complaint released by authorities.

Here are some of those particulars:

Before the Attack: 2005-2015

Enrique Marquez -- who was arrested Thursday for allegedly providing material support to terrorists -- moved to Riverside, California, around 2005, and shortly after he met his next-door neighbor, Syed Farook, according to the criminal complaint released by the Department of Justice. "After their initial meeting, Farook introduced Marquez to Islam," the document says, and, in 2007, Marquez converted to Islam.

"Shortly thereafter, Farook introduced Marquez to radical Islamic ideology," according to the documents, which were released Thursday.

Around 2011, Farook and Marquez "began planning to commit terrorist acts in the Southern California area," the document says, specifically a community college and a freeway.

Marquez bought guns and a bottle of smokeless powder for Farook as a part of their attack plans, according to the complaint, and the two made "multiple trips to gun ranges" to “practice shooting and train for terrorist attacks."

In 2013, "their contact began to decline and according to Marquez they ceased planning any attacks together," according to the complaint.

In Nov. 2014, Marquez entered into a "fraudulent marriage” to a woman who federal authorities describe in the complaint as a member of Farook’s extended family.

Then, this year, Marquez wrote an ominous Facebook post Nov. 5, just under a month before the San Bernardino, California, shooting. "I lead multiple lives and I'm wondering when it’s all going to collapse on M[e]," Marquez wrote.

"My life turned ridiculous," he said, adding that he was "involved in terrorist plots, drugs, antisocial behavior, marriage, might go to prison for fraud."

SWAT officers search near Victoria Elementary School on Richardson Street for the suspects involved in the mass shooting of 14 people at the Inland Regional Center on Dec. 2, 2015 in San Bernardino, Calif.

While it is unclear when Marquez and Farook last spoke, investigators pieced together this timeline of Marquez and Farook's actions on Dec. 2, the day of the attack, which they included in the criminal complaint.

Wednesday Dec. 2, 2015

7:00 a.m.

Surveillance footage showed Marquez clocking in at work at about 7:00 a.m., the documents state. Marquez was working at a Walmart in Corona, California, at the time, ABC News learned.

Around 8:45 a.m.

Between 8:43 a.m. and 8:47 a.m., "an individual subsequently identified as [Farook's wife, Tashfeen] Malik searched social media for materials" relating to ISIS, the document says.

8:48 a.m.

At roughly that same time, her husband arrived at the Inland Regional Center for the day-long work conference in the facility's rented room.

9:05 a.m.

Farook entered the event and put "an item on a table". After the shooting, law enforcement found a bag on a table, inside of which was "later determined to be an IED."

10:37 a.m.

Farook left the Inland Regional Center in a black SUV, later learned to be a rental car.

This undated combination of photos provided by the FBI, left, and the California Department of Motor Vehicles shows Tashfeen Malik, left, and Syed Farook.

10:58 a.m.

A black SUV "that appeared similar to the vehicle driven by Farook when he left" returned to the IRC. "At least one individual, who was believed to be dressed in black tactical gear, got out of the SUV and, shortly thereafter, opened fire and shot at numerous individuals both inside and outside the IRC," the complaint states.

A total of 14 people were killed at the site and 22 others injured.

11:14 a.m.

A post appeared "on a Facebook page associated with Malik" declaring her allegiance to someone whom investigators believe is the current leader of ISIS.

That post is the last known action taken by either Farook or Malik for several hours, a gap of time that investigators are still trying to work through. Earlier this week, FBI director James Comey said investigators still cannot account for the suspects' whereabouts in the four hours between the shooting and the shootout.

11:56 a.m.

At this point Marquez was noted as leaving his shift for lunch. Surveillance footage showed his leaving at this time and returning roughly an hour later, the document states.

Between 3 and 4 p.m.

Police locate suspected shooters Farook and Malik after "law enforcement observed two individuals" near their Redlands, California, home. The spotting led to a pursuit and shootout that left the suspects dead.

Enrique Marquez, seen here in a photograph taken in January and uploaded to Facebook.

Around 4 p.m.

Marquez clocked out from work.

After the Attack: Dec. 3 to Today

Marquez called 911 Dec. 3, saying, "My neighbor. He did the San Bernardino shooting," the documents say.

The documents do not provide the time of the call, only identifying the call as on Dec. 3 and "hours after the shooting incident at the IRC."

In his call, Marquez identifies the shooter as Syed Farook and admits Farook used his gun, saying "to me, he was reliable enough for him for storage, like to store my gun."

Marquez later went to the emergency room at the UCLA Harbor Medical Center, was referred to the psychiatric ward, and placed on an involuntary hold.

Marquez is now in custody in Los Angeles, after being arrested and charged Thursday with conspiring to provide material support to terrorists, unlawfully purchasing two assault rifles and defrauding immigration authorities.

He is being held without bail until his next court appearance on Monday.

He has not yet entered a plea.