Dogs Rescued From Roof Covered With 'Bubbling, Boiling' Tar in New Jersey

Both dogs had severe burns on their bodies from contact with the tar.

July 26, 2016, 4:00 PM

— -- Two dogs were recently rescued after they were found "in severe distress" on the roof of a Newark, New Jersey residence reportedly covered with "bubbling, boiling" tar.

The Yorkshire terrier and pit bull were spotted last Friday around 5 p.m. by a good Samaritan who "noticed the dogs in an obvious state of pain and thus immediately called the police department," according to Nicki Dawson, assistant director at the Associated Humane Societies-Newark.

Dawson said police asked for the assistance of AHS officers, who said they found the two dogs "frantically 'dancing' on the roof in an attempt to stop their feet from burning."

The roof, which appeared to be made of tar, seemed to have melted and was boiling, likely due to severely high temperatures in the area, Dawson said. She added that it was about 96 degrees Fahrenheit when the dogs were rescued.

Two dogs were rescued by workers with the Associated Humane Societies' branch in Newark, N.J. after found in distress on a residence's roof apparently covered with "boiling" and "bubbling" tar, the AHS' Newark branch said in a news release online.
Courtesy Associated Humane Societies - Newark branch

"The Yorkie sat in the tar and its rear end and tail area were completely burned," Dawson said. "The pit bull appeared to have rolled in the tar, so it was burned all over its body. Both of the dogs' pads on their paws were also really burned."

No one was home at the time the dogs were found, and there "was evidence the dogs had been left out on the roof with no shade for a long period of time," Dawson said. She said that "old piles of feces were scattered throughout the roof" and that there was a "tray of chicken and rice that appeared to have been left out for them, but there was no water."

Once officers "carefully removed" the Yorkie and pit bull from the "scorching hot roof," the dogs were immediately transported to an emergency animal hospital in Fairfield, New Jersey, Dawson said.

"They've been through a lot, but they're doing well," she added. "The team at the hospital has had to completely cut down their fur, soak them with medicated shampoos, give them antibiotics and apply burn medication. It's going to be a bit of a lengthy treatment before they're ready to go, but we have high hopes for them."

The Yorkie was released from the hospital and brought back to the AHS in Newark today. Dawson added that he will be transferred to a shelter in Lacey Township, New Jersey tomorrow. There, he'll finish his treatment before being offered for adoption.

As for the pit bull, a veterinary technician who's been helping care for the pup has decided to foster the dog with the intention of officially adopting him after he recovers.

The AHS is "still working on trying to determine who owns both of the dogs," Dawson said. She and Capt. Derek Glenn, public information officer for the Newark Department of Public Safety's Police Division, told ABC News that the New Jersey Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (NJSPCA) is leading the investigation into the incident.