Extreme heat gripping Washington and Oregon

In Seattle, temperatures hit a high of 96 degrees.

ByABC News
August 4, 2017, 12:31 PM

— -- Extreme heat in the Pacific Northwest is breaking records and causing a multitude of issues for residents.

The hot weather has prompted the National Weather Service to issue excessive heat and red flag warnings for residents in six western states: Oregon, Washington, California, Idaho, Montana and Wyoming.

Record heat in the Pacific Northwest has brought high temperatures over 100 degrees this week.

Residents in Oregon and Washington are feeling the brunt of these scorching temperatures.

In Seattle, temperatures hit a high of 96 degrees, breaking the record high of 90 degrees set almost 30 years ago.

The hot streak has lasted 48 days and there have been more than 50 record highs in the Northwest in the last three days.

In Portland, temperatures reached a scorching 105 degrees on Thursday, just two degrees shy of the all-time record high temperature of 107.

There have been more than 40 fires in the area and smoke continues to billow across the western states.

The National Weather Service warnings will remain in effect until Friday evening, at which point temperatures are expected to drop to the low 90s and upper 80s.

Poor air quality and heavy haze are expected in Seattle and Portland because of the wildfires.

ABC News' Max Golembo contributed to this report.

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