JetBlue Plane Evacuates Passengers Via Slides After Emergency Landing

Plane makes unexpected landing in Long Beach, California

ByABC News
September 18, 2014, 2:56 PM

— -- A JetBlue plane was forced to make an emergency landing because of an engine problem today in California, where it then evacuated passengers.

Flight 1416 was bound for Austin, Texas, this morning when it "declared an emergency" and returned to Long Beach Airport, according to the Federal Aviation Administration.

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"The airplane landed safely, and all customers and crew have evacuated via slides with no reported injuries at this time," JetBlue said in a statement, noting the runway at Long Beach was temporarily closed.

The airline said there was an "issue with the number two engine."

The flight was scheduled to arrive in Austin this afternoon.

Passengers were quick to turn to social media to vent about the delay and post airplane selfies. "Twilight" actor Jackson Rathbone, who says he was on the flight, live-tweeted the emergency landing.

Passengers don oxygen masks during an emergency landing of a Jet Blue flight on Sept. 18, 2014 in Long Beach, Calif. No injuries were reported.
This photo was posted to Instagram on Sept. 18, 2014 with the caption, "Haven't even had a cup of coffee yet and our engine blew up while in the air."