Michigan Rep. Cindy Gamrat Apologizes for Affair With Fellow Rep. Todd Courser

Courser is accused of trying to cover up his affair with Gamrat.

ByABC News
August 14, 2015, 3:38 PM

— -- Michigan State Rep. Cindy Gamrat publicly apologized today, marking the first time she addressed the cover-up related to her affair with fellow state Rep. Todd Courser.

Based on audio recordings obtained by the Detroit News, it reported that Courser tried to cover up his affair with Gamrat by organizing the distribution of an untrue email saying he had sex with a male prostitute.

Gamrat and Courser are both married. Courser has also publicly apologized for the affair via an audio post on his campaign website.

Rep. Cindy Gamrat and Rep Todd Courser, right, wave to reporters in the House of Representatives in Lansing, MI, Jan. 14, 2015.

Through tears, and with her husband by her side, Gamrat apologized today at a news conference in Lansing, and said she takes full responsibility for her actions.

"I want to apologize for the negative attention this has brought. For that I am truly sorry," she said.

Gamrat also said an open investigation will vindicate her.

"A month before this story broke, my family and I had already been working through this together privately. My husband and I have been receiving counsel from family, close friends and marriage counselors," Gamrat said.

"I know that I have made some poor decisions as they relate to my personal life ... I know that over the weeks and months to come I will have some hard decisions to make," she said.

Gamrat said she is not planning to resign at this time, though she has considered it. Gamrat described her relationship with Courser now as "professional."

Courser has previously said he sent the email to try to misdirect attention after he was blackmailed by someone threatening to expose his affair with Gamrat.

"It was over the top. It was wrong," Courser said in an audio post on his campaign website on Aug. 10. The post also asked for forgiveness from his family, constituents, Gamrat and Gamrat's family.

Courser refused to answer questions from a reporter with ABC affiliate WXYZ on Wednesday, the affiliate reported.