Here's a place to sleep off your turkey coma

Peace Power Napping launched Nov. 20.

ByABC News
November 23, 2017, 11:38 AM

— -- Chicagoans looking for a break from the hustle and bustle of the windy city now have an on-demand nap studio where they can go for a snooze.

Peace Power Napping, located across from Millennium Park, launched Nov. 20 and offers midday power naps through their app-based booking program.

Founder Jennifer Thomas said in a press release that she hopes the community will feel a sense of peace with the service.

Chicago opened Peace Power Napping, a studio where residents can reserve a bed to sleep for 30 minutes at a time.
Peace Power Napping

"With a focus on user-friendliness and convenience, our goal when designing Peace was to make it as easy as possible for city-dwellers to grab a restorative midday power nap," Thomas added.

Users can book nap sessions through the app as needed or reserve time in advance over the phone or via email. Once nappers arrive at the studio they will find a pre-selected room number and can sleep for 30 minutes until an automatic light raises and soft music plays to signal it's time to wake up.

The studio says it has five beds in their own sleep space complete with USB outlets, eye masks, blankets and other amenities.

Each 30-minute nap will cost customers $20, but to celebrate the launch, the studio is offering free power naps on Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

Peace Power Napping did not immediately respond to ABC News' request for comment.

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