Philadelphia police commissioner apologizes for how he handled Starbucks arrests of 2 black men

Philadelphia Police Commissioner Richard Ross said he "failed miserably."

April 19, 2018, 3:42 PM

Philadelphia Police Commissioner Richard Ross has apologized to two black men who were arrested at a local Starbucks last week for how he handled the press surrounding the incident.

Ross said the he "failed miserably" at how he addressed the incident last week when he said the arresting officers "did absolutely nothing wrong."

"I should have said the officers acted within the scope of the law and not that they didn’t do anything wrong," Ross said during a press conference Thursday. "Words are very important."

On April 12, Rashon Nelson and Donte Robinson were arrested at a downtown Philadelphia Starbucks and accused of trespassing and disturbance after a manager called 911, telling dispatchers that two men had refused to make a purchase or leave.

Rashon Nelson and Donte Robinson appear on "Good Morning America," April 19, 2018, to discuss their arrest at a Philadelphia Starbucks.
ABC News

The longtime friends, both 23, had just sat down at a table for a business meeting, they told ABC News on Thursday.

Cellphone video of two Philadelphia police officers handcuffing the men and escorting them out of the store caused outrage on social media after it was viewed more than 10 million times.

In a video testimonial released Saturday, Ross also accused Nelson and Robinson of being disrespectful to the officers and said they were both given several chances to leave, but refused.

Ross admitted today that he "played a significant role" in making the situation worse in his initial reaction to the "unfortunate incident."

Philadelphia Police Commissioner Richard Ross speaks to the media during a press conference, April 19, 2018 in Philadelphia. Ross apologized to the two black men who were arrested at a city Starbucks.
Philadelphia Police Commissioner Richard Ross speaks to the media during a press conference, April 19, 2018 in Philadelphia. Ross apologized to the two black men who were arrested at a city Starbucks, saying that the issue of race is not lost on him and he shouldn't be the person making things worse.
David Swanson/The Philadelphia Inquirer via AP Images

Before the arrest, Ross was not aware of the Starbucks business model, in which people "spend long hours in Starbucks and aren't necessarily expected to make a purchase," he said, adding that it is reasonable to believe the arresting officers didn't know that either.

While Ross said the issue of race is not lost on him, he also defended the actions of his officers, saying that the fact that they were at the scene for well over 10 minutes suggests that they were trying to resolve the situation.

At the time, the department did not have a policy for dealing with similar situations, Ross said. A guideline has since been created and will be released soon, the police commissioner said.

Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney also issued an apology to Nelson and Robinson, saying that arrest caused "many Philadelphians" to witness and relive "the trauma of racial profiling.

"I want to apologize on behalf of the City of Philadelphia to Donte Robinson and Rashon Nelson for the experience they’ve been put through," Kenney said. "I want to acknowledge their pain and the pain of so many others, and commit our City to healing it together over the coming days, weeks and months."

Kenney also lauded the police commissioner for the "courage" it took to apologize for his initial response.

"Sometimes courage is as simple as a willingness to evaluate your own words and actions, and to account for them," Kenney said. "... I applaud his ability to reflect on this very difficult week and to articulate his changed perspective. It’s that courage and self-reflection that makes the Commissioner such an effective leader."

Kenney said the "current realities of race relations and bias in 2018" will require "ongoing re-evaluations."

Two men were arrested at a Starbucks in Philadelphia, April 12, 2018.

After they were put in a squad car, Nelson and Robinson were taken to the police station and later freed.

Robinson told ABC News that police never read them their Miranda rights and that they were held in custody for eight hours.

"There was no reasoning," he said. "They had nothing. They just kept using ‘defiant trespassing’ as their excuse for putting us behind bars."

The store manager who called police is no longer working there, a Starbucks spokeswoman confirmed to ABC News.

Starbucks will close 8,000 company-owned stores on May 29 to train is staff on how to avoid "racial bias," Starbucks said in a statement.

ABC News' Gregory Croft, Kelly McCarthy and Morgan Winsor contributed to this report.

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