Thinking of Having a Baby on 11-11-11? Snuggle Up With Your Lover Around Valentine's Day

The opportunity for giving your offspring a key birth date is fast approaching.

ByABC News
January 31, 2011, 11:41 PM

Feb. 1, 2011— -- Thinking of having a baby?

You might want to snuggle up to your significant other right around Valentine's Day because any baby conceived around 2-14-11 has a good chance of being born on 11-11-11 and that, according to numerologists, will be one lucky birthdate.

"There's no way a child born on that day will not be significant…it's that cool of a date," said Glynis McCants, a numerologist who has studied numbers for over 20 years and runs the website

McCants explained that "anyone born on the 11th is here to master their life, it's a master number that encourages intelligence."

But that's not all -- numerologists believe that each number has a trait and a "vibration" attached to it.

So, you take the number by itself and then you also break down each two-digit number into a single digit.

In this case, you add one plus one to get two and two in numerology equals love.

Then you take the month and the day and reduce those to single digits as well to get four.

A "four" according to McCants is someone who seeks knowledge. Finally, when you add all the numbers together, including the year 2011, you get eight and "8's love the finer things in life."

McCants also said that people who meditate and have faith in the power of numbers have long believed that one of the best times to meditate is at 11 in the morning or 11 at night.

"The belief is that the universe is open to whatever you want at that time, the number is so significant," said McCants.

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