7-Year-Old Boy Turns in $8K He Found on Playground

A 7-year-old boy and his uncle turned in money they found on a playground slide.

ByABC News
September 28, 2015, 1:19 PM

— -- A 7-year-old boy and his uncle were at a Massachusetts park when they found $8,000 at the top of the slide and returned it to its rightful owner.

Aiden Wright and his uncle Danny Wright found the money while playing at Memorial Park in Salem this past Saturday. Danny told ABC News that Aiden came across the stack of $100 bills as he was going down the slide.

“It was actually a checkbook with some personal papers and an unsealed envelope,” Danny said. “I peeked in the envelope and told Aiden, "‘Buddy, you’re going to learn an important lesson today.’”

Seven-year-old Aiden Wright found $8000 in a Massachusetts park and returned it to its owner.

After counting the money in his truck, Danny explained to Aiden to "treat people the way you would want to be treated."

Following their discussion, Danny said Aiden “happily” agreed to bring the money to the police station.

The Salem Police Department managed to reach Elias Santos, the owner of the money. Santos arrived at the police station with his two young sons and rewarded Aiden with $100.

“When we left the police station, Aiden told [Santos] that he should be more careful next time he goes down the slide. He's a funny kid," Danny added.

Elias Santos could not be reached for comment.

The Salem Police Department declined to comment.