4-Year-Old Credited With Saving Mom's Life by Unlocking Her Phone and Calling for Help

Camden is being credited with saving his mother's life.

ByABC News
April 7, 2016, 3:18 PM

— -- A 4-year-old boy may have saved his mother's life when he managed to unlock her iPhone and call his father for help after he found her unconscious on Sunday night.

Dr. Jeremy Vaughan was at his office when he received the frightening call from his 4-year-old son, Camden. "[He said,] 'Daddy, you need to come home! Mommy can't wake up,'" Vaughan told ABC News.

Vaughan dropped everything and rushed home to his wife Misty, where he found her unresponsive. He called 911.

Like many kids, Camden likes to play games on his parents' phones. Fortunately for Misty, Camden is so familiar with his mom's phone, he has her passcode memorized. That's how he was able to unlock it when he found her passed out. He then sought out his father's number.

"He ... went to the favorites tab," Misty told ABC News. "I have pictures of the people we call the most frequently." Vaughan's photo was at the top of the list.

For her part, Misty, a mother of two sons, has little memory of the incident. The last thing she remembers is checking her temperature with a thermometer. It read 105.5 degrees. "My body and brain were literally cooking," Misty said, "and much longer would have been devastating consequences."

She added: "My doctors are assuming I had a seizure because when I was found, I was foaming at the mouth and non-responsive," Misty said, "and when I got to the ER, I had two more seizures...."

Camden,4, recently advanced to a yellow belt.
Courtesy of Misty Vaughan

Vaughan said doctors have been unable to pinpoint the cause of his wife's illness. Though she hadn't been feeling well in the days leading up to the incident, Misty never expected she'd have to be rushed to the ER.

"I have never had a seizure before," Misty said. "I'm an active mom. I run a farm. I work part-time. I take care of my two boys."

For now, Misty's back at home and feeling much better.

Misty Vaughan never dreamed her son, Camden, 4, would save her life after she passed out on Sunday, April 3, 2016.
Courtesy of Misty Vaughan

"My boys are my world and my gratitude is overwhelming," she said. "I just keep starring at them amazed at how different things could have really been for me. It's reminded me to enjoy the day-to-day tasks of motherhood again and not get bogged down with all the details in my life that in the end won't really matter anyway."