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NFL Player Sen’Derrick Marks Takes Cancer Patient Khameyea Jennings to Senior Prom

Khameyea Jennings has been battling liver cancer.

ByABC News
May 5, 2015, 11:17 AM

— -- An NFL player turned Prince Charming this weekend when he took a student battling cancer to her senior prom.

Jacksonville Jaguars player Sen’Derrick Marks accompanied Khameyea Jennings, an 18-year-old who has been battling cancer for two years, according to Dreams Come True, a local non-profit group that helped set up the dream date.

"I think I look good, I think my date looks good. I'm going to have a great night,” Marks told ABC News Affiliate WJXX-TV after arriving at the Jacksonville Zoo for his date.

Dreams Come True helped set up the special date for the teen to the Franklin H. Peterson High School prom after finding out the girl didn't have one.

"To have that moment, walking in and having the kids cheering for her and rooting for her," said "dream manager" Courtney Andrews. "She really felt like a princess that day."

Marks visited Jennings as she lay in a hospital bed recently. Holding a bouquet of flowers, he asked her to be his date, a proposal captured on video.

Marks complied with Jennings' request that he wear white and gold when he picked her up for the prom Saturday, and then he upped the style quotient by transporting the high school senior in a Lamborghini.

Marks told reporters he planned on keeping in touch Jennings even after the clock struck midnight.

“You know, I always want to be there from here on out,” he told WJXX-TV.

Jennings was originally diagnosed with liver cancer at 16. Last year, she had surgery to remove a tumor in her lung, but the cancer recently returned, according to WJXX-TV.

Her high school even held an early graduation for the girl, according to Andrews at Dreams Come True.

“We're just doing natural medicines right now,” Jennings told WJXX-TV, “because my tumor is resistant to chemo that they’re giving me.”

On Saturday, Jennings and her famous date got a standing ovation as they arrived. Marks said his goal was to make sure he kept his date happy and smiling.

“We run around and hit each other, we tackle,” Marks said. “A little pain here, but I don’t think it can equal to what she’s going through. All I want to do is make sure she continues to smile and have a great time tonight."

The day after the prom, Marks addressed Jennings on Twitter, asking the girl to “continue to fight” and to show others her strength and “faith.”