While we're waiting ... how bout them Chiefs?
While results in Missouri slowly trickle in, here's some fun Missouri polling. In a mid-June Emerson/The Hill survey, 63 percent of Missourians said that the Kansas City Chiefs remaining in Missouri (as opposed to moving to Kansas) was "very" or "somewhat" important to them, 46 percent of whom said it was "very" important. The Kansas City Royals don't get quite the same enthusiasm: 58 percent of Missourians think the Royals staying in the state is "very" or "somewhat important", of which 38 percent say it's "very" important to them.
Kansas has been trying to lure both teams over state lines in the coming years, with the Kansas legislature passing a plan to make it happen. What Missourians will be able to do about it, we'll just have to wait and see.
—Mary Radcliffe, 538