South Carolina primary 2024: Trump projected to win, Haley vows to stay in the race

What can we take away from Trump's big Palmetto State victory?

Last Updated: February 24, 2024, 8:39 PM EST

Former President Donald Trump has won the South Carolina Republican primary, ABC News projects. It was a swift and embarrassing defeat for former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, who rose to political prominence as South Carolina’s governor. Nevertheless, in her concession speech, Haley vowed to continue her campaign into Super Tuesday on March 5.

Throughout the evening, 538 reporters, analysts and contributors broke down the results as they came in with live updates, analysis and commentary. Read our full live blog below.

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Here's how the news is developing. All times Eastern.
Feb 24, 2024, 8:39 PM EST

How do Trump's and Haley's vote shares this year compare to 2016?

Political scientist Seth Masket has some interesting graphs comparing Trump's 2024 county-level vote share — based on what we know so far — to his 2016 performance in those counties, and it tracks pretty well. Meanwhile, Haley's performance is strongly related to Rubio's in 2016 at the county level - but not so much to Ted Cruz's.

—Julia Azari, 538 contributor

Feb 24, 2024, 8:37 PM EST

Answer: Trump isn't doing that well, but that doesn't mean he'll lose this fall

For the purposes of this analysis, I think we should view Trump as an incumbent when measuring his performance in the primary. Republican voters know exactly what Trump is like in the White House, and they can judge for themselves how he did on the issues they care about (he generally does well on this axis) and his character (things are more muddled here).

If we think of him as an incumbent, he is doing quite poorly. Remember how Pat Buchanan embarrassed H.W. Bush by getting 38 percent of the vote in New Hampshire in 1992 and is blamed for weakening him for the general? Haley has been doing better than Buchanan across the early states. There are plenty of Republican voters who don't think of Trump as ideal. We've probably all heard their arguments. Something along the line of, "his character isn't ideal, but he fights for me."

Now, what does this all mean for the contest against Biden in the fall? Not much. The vast majority of those people will vote for Trump in the fall. And if we are sticking with the 1992 comparison, Bill Clinton was a popular candidate (net +11 favorability in September of '92). Joe Biden is not. His favorability rating is currently at net -15 points. So, Trump is doing poorly, but so is Biden. When it's a race to the bottom all around, doing poorly in a GOP primary doesn't tell us all that much.

—Galen Druke, 538

Feb 24, 2024, 8:36 PM EST

Answer: I think Trump is doing well, yeah

I see your point, Mary — Trump has gotten “only” around 50-60 percent in the first three contested states — but I think in the grand scheme of things, that’s still a strong performance. Iowa winners much more often finish in the 20s or 30s, and New Hampshire is just weird because of its demographics and high proportion of independent voters. And at the end of the day, he’s the first non-incumbent Republican to win all three of Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina, and there’s a good chance he’s going to win all 56 contests.

—Nathaniel Rakich, 538

Feb 24, 2024, 8:36 PM EST

Answer: He’s not not doing well

For a non-incumbent (if former president), Trump has made short work of the primary calendar, basically annihilating any real competitors in record time without ever having to deign to step foot on a debate stage. The fact that he didn’t completely cruise to the nomination captures some of the hesitancy in the party that Julia highlighted, but at the end of the day, all Trump needs to do now is be more popular than Biden, who isn’t exactly the Prom King these days.

Kaleigh Rogers, 538