Pizza Delivery Man is Killed in Mexico Over Late Order

A pizza delivery man was killed because he delivered his order late.

ByABC News
October 12, 2012, 1:50 PM

Oct. 12, 2012— -- A pizza delivery man was stabbed and beaten to death because he was late with his delivery, Mexican officials said on Wednesday.

The incident, which has been widely reported in Spanish-language media, occurred in Tlaxcala, a state that is about a two-hour drive from Mexico City.

According to Tlaxcala's Attorney General, the delivery man was killed by a young couple that has already confessed to the crime. One of the presumed murderers is a 22-year-old male whose name was not fully disclosed by Tlaxcala officials, who identified him as "Jose N."

Jose N, told police that his girlfriend ordered a pizza at 7 p.m. last Saturday from a local restaurant. But with no pizza in sight, she called the restaurant 40 minutes later, to find out what had happened.

At around 8:20 p.m. Jose N heard a motorcycle approaching his home, it was the pizza delivery man, Andres Diaz Rivera. Jose N told police that he knocked Rivera off his motorcycle with a punch to the face and dragged him into his home, where he kicked him and beat him up with his girlfriend's help.

The couple then tied Rivera's hands and feet and put him in one of the rooms in the house. They attempted to take Rivera to a second location at around 3 a.m. on Sunday. At that point, Rivera tried to run away, so Jose N, stabbed the delivery man in the neck with a kitchen knife.

Jose N. told police that after he stabbed Rivera outside his home, he took the pizza delivery man to an empty lot where he stabbed him multiple times in the neck and in his abdominal area until he was dead.

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