Entrepreneurial Tightrope: Add to your attitude of gratitude

ByABC News
November 29, 2011, 10:10 PM

— -- Well, here we are again at the time of year when it is traditional to think in terms of both gratitude and giving. While attending the family Thanksgiving dinner, I was reminded of my grandfather. When it came to saying grace over our daily meals, he managed to bless the food and the cook and thank them both in record speed. But in other areas his holiday blessings leaned in the direction of a lengthy sermon. He mentioned everything that he could think of including the owners (though he had no clue who they were) of the J&L Steel Mill, who had given him a job.

As the holiday feast went from oven-hot to room temperature, Grandpa continued to give thanks, even reaching back into past holidays.

My Grandpa's life was one of simplicity. He went to work, did his job, and left it all there when he came home to his family. Times have changed since Grandpa's simple life and long-winded holiday blessings. It is no longer possible to include all of our thankfulness into one blessing.

There are many more aspects to our busy daily lives today that my grandfather was not faced with. Words like "employees," "customers" and "clients" were not a part of his vocabulary or his life. These are things entrepreneurs have to be both mindful of and thankful for and which we often overlook in our busy efforts to keep things running.

Reciting verbal thanks at this time has been a long-standing tradition; perhaps acting on our gratitude could find its way into becoming a tradition as well. In honor of this holiday season, here are a few things from my entrepreneurial gratitude and action list. Perhaps a thing or two might strike you as a good idea:

Repeat customers. Nothing keeps a business thriving more than the constant return of our valued customers. Products and services have become extremely competitive. Just when you thought you had built the better mousetrap, someone comes along and makes it better. Yet your customers continue to do business with your company. Take time to express your gratitude to your repeat customers; send them a thank-you card.

Responsible and reliable employees. Your support staff is the golden link in the chain of your business success. Remember, while you acknowledge to yourself that you are grateful for them, let them know how you feel. A simple "thank you" or a "job well done" can go a long way. Speak these words often and with sincerity.

Difficult customers. Yes, you read it right! Be thankful for those tough-to-handle customers: They help you to grow and expand. We can learn from everyone and everything no matter how difficult the person or situation. Pema Chodron, author of The Places that Scare You: A Guide to Fearlessness in Difficult Times, says that difficult people are the greatest teachers. Drop them a note of appreciation for helping you to become a bigger and better entrepreneur.

The people who opened doors of opportunity. Success is not a solo journey. We het where we are going by the help and support of others. Make a list of "door openers" that have helped you toward success. Plant a tree in their name. This gesture will also allow you to express gratitude to Mother Earth and do some for global warming in addition to expressing gratitude for these folks helping you toward success. For more information to plant trees visit http://www.americanforests.org/.

Consider adding action to your attitude of gratitude this season and show the people who support you how truly grateful you are. Who knows, it just might catch on and become part of your tradition.

Happy Holidays!

Gladys Edmunds' Entrepreneurial Tightrope column appears Wednesdays. As a single, teen-age mom, Gladys made money doing laundry, cooking dinners for taxi drivers and selling fire extinguishers and Bibles door-to-door. Today, Edmunds, founder of Edmunds Travel Consultants in Pittsburgh, is a private coach/consultant in business development and author of There's No Business Like Your Own Business, published by Viking. See an index of Edmunds' columns. Her website is www.gladysedmunds.com. You can e-mail her at gladys@gladysedmunds.com.