Ask an Expert: Get organized to get more out of your business

ByABC News
January 26, 2009, 3:09 AM

— -- Q: I am on the hunt for any new ideas that can help me through this rough economy. It seems like the same old advice doesn't really apply in this market. Suggestions? Ann

A:I do agree that we are in extraordinary times, and it makes sense to be on the lookout for cutting edge ideas and strategies. You never know which one might make a big difference.

Let me give you an example:

We have all heard about R.O.I. Return on Investment. It's a useful way to analyze whether you are receiving sufficient bang for your buck for your efforts.

But have you ever considered your R.O.O. your Return on Organization?

Look, we all know that main two pain points for most small businesses are not enough time and not enough money. This is even more true in light of the current economic environment. But what if I told you there was a simple, affordable way to get more of both? After all, as we all know, time is money.

I have been doing some work with Office Depot recently in order to help small business owners understand how, with just a few smart changes, they can increase their R.O.O., and how that can have a significant impact on the bottom line. In fact, it is estimated that increased R.O.O. can yield up to an extra two hours of productive time a week and up to an additional 6% of revenue.

How? Well, think about it. It costs five times more to create a new customer than it does to keep a current one. The whole idea is that with some extra time you can take better care of your best customers. No, 20 minutes a day may not seem like much, but what if you used those 20 minutes a day to their maximum effectiveness? You could check in with customers, make some sales calls, send out some "checking-in" e-mails ... that sort of thing.

It all adds up.

Being more organized means having more time to be more effective and make more money. It's as simple, and as important, as that.

So here are a few examples of some things you can do to increase your R.O.O.: