Starbucks Tip App Sparks Tipping Questions That We Answer
The Emily Post Institute chimes in on when to pay a gratuity and how much.

March 12, 2014— -- intro:
Starting next week, you'll be able to tip Starbucks baristas with the coffee chain's mobile iPhone app, but how much of a gratuity, if any, should you leave? Deciding who gets tipped and how much is more complicated than ever, so read on for some tips on what to do.
First off, those hard-working Starbucks baristas do depend on tips, but it's entirely up to you. The Emily Post Institute, named after the legendary advice columnist, says customers aren't under any obligation to tip baristas, unlike the way social norms dictate one should tip a restaurant waiter.
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If they go out of their way to help you or provide a great level of service or courtesy, Daniel Post Senning, great-great-grandson of Emily Post and author and spokesman for the Emily Post Institute in Burlington, Vt., says you almost can't go wrong in tipping a service professional.
The Emily Post Institute offers general suggestions for tipping, based on historical precedence. But there are some industries that aren't considered traditional tipping services in the eyes of many.
While Post Senning doesn't have a suggestion for occupations such as full-service gas station attendants or tailors, that doesn't mean you should refrain from giving something to them.
"I would never tell someone not to tip if they felt inspired," he said. "That's what a gratuity is, to show they're thankful."
He adds that a genuine verbal expression of gratitude can go a long way, and sometimes might even go further than disrespectfully throwing money at someone.
"Saying that or leaving a little note is a meaningful gesture," he said.
Social norms tend to guide individuals in tipping for services that are more intimate, such as personal grooming.
Post Senning includes in that category home services, such as house-cleaning or driveway plowing. And it's usually a nice gesture if you tip service professionals, such as au pairs, private nurses, pet groomers, more during the holidays, the Institute advises. Tipping in certain professions, such as doctors and teachers, might be frowned upon, but non-cash gifts in those cases are usually appreciated, Post Senning said.
In case some people, cultures or businesses might be offended at a tip or lack thereof, the Emily Post Institute says it doesn't hurt to ask about guidelines. And tipping "discreetly," the Institute says, is "classy."
Here are some more tipping guidelines from the institute:
quicklist:title: Sit-down wait service category: Restaurantstext: 15-20 percent, pre-tax
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quicklist:title: Buffet wait-servicecategory: Restaurantstext: 10 percent, pre-tax
quicklist:title: Host or Maitre d'category: Restaurantstext: No obligation unless they go "above and beyond" to find you a table during a busy time
quicklist:title: Takeout category: Restaurantstext: No obligation, although extra services like curb delivery or a large, complicated order merit 10 percent
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quicklist:title: Home Deliverycategory: Restaurants text: 10-15 percent of the bill, $2-5 for pizza delivery depending on the size of the order and difficulty of delivery
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quicklist:title: Bartendercategory: Restaurants text: $1-2 per drink or 15-20 percent of the tab
quicklist:title: Tipping jarscategory: Non-Sit-Down Restaurantstext: No obligation, but "tip occasionally if your server or barista provides a little something extra or if you are a regular customer."
quicklist:title: Restroom Attendantcategory: Restaurants text: $0.50-$3, depending on the level of service, but Post Senning adds you're really under no obligation especially if you don't partake of the attendant's resources, like mouth wash or lotion, unless you're thankful for an immaculately clean bathroom.
quicklist:title: Valetcategory: Parkingtext: $2-$5. Tip when the car is returned to you.
quicklist:title: Skycapcategory: Travel text: $2 first bag, $1 per additional bag
quicklist:title: Doormancategory: Travel text: $1-$4 for carrying luggage; $1-$2 for hailing cab (add an extra $1 if it's raining); $1-$4 beyond the call of duty; and "a smile and a thanks when he opens the door."
quicklist:title: Bellhopcategory: Travel text: $2 first bag, $1 per additional bag; $2-3 for each additional service, such as room delivery
quicklist:title: Housekeepercategory: Travel text: $2-$5 per day, left daily with a note marked "Housekeeping - Thank you"
quicklist:title: Conciergecategory: Travel text: No obligation for answering questions; $5-10 for tickets or restaurant reservations; and $15 for hard-to-get tickets or reservations, or 10-20 percent of the ticket price
quicklist:title: Taxi drivercategory: Traveltext: 15-20 percent of the fare, but minimally $1; $2 for the first bag, $1 for the second
quicklist:title: Hair Saloncategory: Salon/Spa text:15-20 percent, ask to be split among those who served you
quicklist:title: Manicuristcategory: Salon/Spatext: 15-20 percent
quicklist:title: Facial, waxing, massagecategory: Salon/Spatext: 15-20 percent