Georgia Exit Poll: Senate
What are exit polls?
Exit polls are surveys conducted on Election Day at polling places across the country. People are asked who they voted for and what issues mattered most to them.
Learn more about exit polls and methodology.
Are you:
4,329 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Male 44% responded | 43% | 55% |
Female 56% responded | 52% | 46% |
Are you:
4,287 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
White 62% responded | 29% | 69% |
Black 28% responded | 87% | 11% |
Hispanic/Latino 7% responded | 52% | 43% |
Asian 1% responded | - | - |
Other 2% responded | 52% | 43% |
Are you:
4,287 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
White 62% responded | 29% | 69% |
Non-White 38% responded | 78% | 19% |
Sex by race
4,270 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
White men 29% responded | 26% | 71% |
White women 33% responded | 31% | 67% |
Black men 11% responded | 82% | 17% |
Black women 17% responded | 91% | 8% |
Latino men 3% responded | 54% | 45% |
Latino women 4% responded | 51% | 42% |
All other races 3% responded | 54% | 41% |
In which age group are you?
4,328 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
18-29 20% responded | 54% | 43% |
30-44 24% responded | 53% | 44% |
45-64 36% responded | 44% | 53% |
65 or over 19% responded | 42% | 58% |
To which age group do you belong?
4,328 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
18-44 44% responded | 53% | 43% |
45+ 56% responded | 43% | 55% |
In which age group are you?
4,328 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
18-24 12% responded | 51% | 47% |
25-29 8% responded | 59% | 37% |
30-39 17% responded | 53% | 42% |
40-49 18% responded | 47% | 51% |
50-64 27% responded | 45% | 53% |
65 or over 19% responded | 42% | 58% |
Which best describes your education? You have:
4,294 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Never attended college 16% responded | 36% | 62% |
Attended college but received no degree 26% responded | 46% | 51% |
Associate's degree (AA or AS) 17% responded | 46% | 52% |
Bachelor's degree (BA or BS) 26% responded | 52% | 46% |
An advanced degree after a bachelor's degree (such as JD, MA, MBA, MD, PhD) 14% responded | 60% | 38% |
What was the last grade of school you completed?
4,294 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
College graduate 40% responded | 55% | 43% |
No college degree 60% responded | 43% | 54% |
Education by race
4,242 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
White college graduates 26% responded | 41% | 56% |
White non-college graduates 35% responded | 19% | 78% |
Non White college graduates 14% responded | 80% | 18% |
Non White non-college graduates 25% responded | 77% | 20% |
Education by White by Sex
4,236 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
White women college graduates 14% responded | 41% | 56% |
White women non-college graduates 19% responded | 23% | 75% |
White men college graduates 12% responded | 42% | 56% |
White men non-college graduates 17% responded | 16% | 82% |
Non-whites 39% responded | 78% | 19% |
2019 total family income:
1,967 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Under $30,000 13% responded | 59% | 38% |
$30,000 - $49,999 20% responded | 52% | 44% |
$50,000 - $99,999 36% responded | 45% | 52% |
$100,000 - $199,999 23% responded | 48% | 50% |
$200,000 or more 8% responded | 60% | 39% |
2019 total family income:
1,967 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Under $50,000 33% responded | 55% | 41% |
$50,000 or more 67% responded | 48% | 50% |
2019 total family income:
1,967 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Under $100,000 68% responded | 49% | 47% |
$100,000 or more 32% responded | 51% | 47% |
2019 total family income:
1,967 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Under $50,000 33% responded | 55% | 41% |
$50,000-$99,999 36% responded | 45% | 52% |
$100,000 or more 32% responded | 51% | 47% |
No matter how you voted today, do you usually think of yourself as a:
4,217 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Democrat 34% responded | 94% | 5% |
Republican 38% responded | 4% | 95% |
Independent or something else 28% responded | 51% | 43% |
On most political matters, do you consider yourself:
4,111 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Liberal 22% responded | 85% | 13% |
Moderate 38% responded | 63% | 34% |
Conservative 40% responded | 13% | 85% |
Do you have any children under 18 living in your home?
1,995 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Yes 34% responded | 43% | 55% |
No 66% responded | 47% | 51% |
1,990 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Men with children 15% responded | 39% | 59% |
Women with children 19% responded | 46% | 52% |
Men without children 29% responded | 47% | 50% |
Women without children 37% responded | 48% | 51% |
White evangelical or white born-again Christians
2,073 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
White evangelical or white born-again Christian 33% responded | 13% | 85% |
All others 67% responded | 68% | 29% |
Is this the first year you have ever voted?
1,995 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Yes 13% responded | 43% | 54% |
No 87% responded | 47% | 52% |
Have you ever served in the U.S. military?
1,971 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Yes 15% responded | 37% | 60% |
No 85% responded | 47% | 51% |
Are you gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender?
1,953 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Yes 7% responded | 61% | 35% |
No 93% responded | 44% | 54% |
Which ONE of these five issues mattered most in deciding how you voted for president? (CHECK ONLY ONE)
2,089 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Racial inequality 21% responded | 88% | 9% |
The coronavirus pandemic 14% responded | 86% | 13% |
The economy 36% responded | 12% | 84% |
Crime and safety 11% responded | 23% | 72% |
Health care policy 12% responded | 79% | 20% |
Which ONE of these four candidate qualities mattered most in deciding how you voted for president? (CHECK ONLY ONE)
2,089 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Can unite the country 22% responded | 73% | 26% |
Is a strong leader 33% responded | 21% | 77% |
Cares about people like me 22% responded | 51% | 45% |
Has good judgment 20% responded | 67% | 29% |
Which is more important?
2,074 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Containing the coronavirus now, even if it hurts the economy 51% responded | 79% | 19% |
Rebuilding the economy now, even if it hurts efforts to contain the coronavirus 44% responded | 16% | 80% |
Do you think U.S. efforts to contain the coronavirus pandemic are going:
1,998 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Very well 20% responded | 5% | 94% |
Somewhat well 32% responded | 15% | 80% |
Somewhat badly 16% responded | 71% | 26% |
Very badly 30% responded | 92% | 7% |
Do you think U.S. efforts to contain the coronavirus pandemic are going:
1,998 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Very well or somewhat well 51% responded | 11% | 86% |
Very badly or somewhat badly 47% responded | 85% | 14% |
Which comes closest to your position? Abortion should be:
2,079 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Legal in all cases 23% responded | 84% | 13% |
Legal in most cases 30% responded | 67% | 30% |
Illegal in most cases 28% responded | 19% | 79% |
Illegal in all cases 16% responded | 21% | 77% |
Which comes closest to your position? Abortion should be:
2,079 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Legal 52% responded | 74% | 23% |
Illegal 43% responded | 20% | 78% |
Is racism in the U.S.:
1,998 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
The most important problem 16% responded | 77% | 20% |
One of many important problems 60% responded | 53% | 46% |
A minor problem 14% responded | 10% | 87% |
Not a problem at all 8% responded | 8% | 90% |
Is racism in the U.S.:
1,998 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Most important problem or one of many important problems 76% responded | 58% | 40% |
A minor problem or not a problem at all 22% responded | 9% | 88% |
Is your opinion of the Black Lives Matter movement:
2,011 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Favorable 53% responded | 74% | 24% |
Unfavorable 43% responded | 11% | 87% |
How confident are you that votes in your state will be counted accurately?
1,998 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Very confident 35% responded | 36% | 62% |
Somewhat confident 49% responded (tie) | 49% | 49% |
Not very confident 10% responded | 70% | 28% |
Not at all confident 4% responded | - | - |
How confident are you that votes in your state will be counted accurately?
1,998 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Very/Somewhat confident 84% responded | 43% | 55% |
Not very/Not at all confident 15% responded | 64% | 34% |
Do you think your state makes it easy or difficult for you to vote?
2,076 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Very easy 61% responded | 34% | 63% |
Somewhat easy 22% responded | 72% | 25% |
Somewhat difficult 10% responded | 92% | 7% |
Very difficult 4% responded | - | - |
Do you think your state makes it easy or difficult for you to vote?
2,076 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Very easy or somewhat easy 84% responded | 44% | 53% |
Very difficult or somewhat difficult 15% responded | 88% | 10% |
Do you think the condition of the nation's economy is:
1,996 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Excellent 14% responded | 8% | 90% |
Good 38% responded | 18% | 79% |
Not so good 29% responded | 73% | 26% |
Poor 17% responded | 94% | 5% |
Do you think the condition of the nation's economy is:
1,996 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Excellent or good 52% responded | 15% | 82% |
Not so good or poor 47% responded | 81% | 18% |
Compared to four years ago, is your family's financial situation:
2,079 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Better today 44% responded | 20% | 77% |
Worse today 16% responded | 81% | 16% |
About the same 38% responded | 71% | 26% |
How do you feel about the way Donald Trump is handling his job as president?
1,998 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Strongly approve 39% responded | 2% | 97% |
Somewhat approve 12% responded | 11% | 83% |
Somewhat disapprove 7% responded | 82% | 13% |
Strongly disapprove 39% responded | 94% | 5% |
How do you feel about the way Donald Trump is handling his job as president?
1,998 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Approve 51% responded | 4% | 93% |
Disapprove 47% responded | 92% | 6% |
Is your opinion of Joe Biden:
2,089 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Favorable 51% responded | 91% | 7% |
Unfavorable 48% responded | 5% | 91% |
Is your opinion of Donald Trump:
2,089 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Favorable 45% responded | 4% | 94% |
Unfavorable 53% responded | 88% | 9% |
Do you have a favorable opinion of ...
2,089 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Both 3% responded | - | - |
Only Biden 48% responded | 95% | 3% |
Only Trump 43% responded | 2% | 96% |
Neither 5% responded | 27% | 58% |
In the 2016 election for president, did you vote for:
2,074 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Hillary Clinton (Dem) 38% responded | 94% | 4% |
Donald Trump (Rep) 40% responded | 6% | 92% |
Other 5% responded | 55% | 31% |
Did not vote 15% responded | 53% | 43% |
Would you rather see the U.S. Senate controlled by:
1,962 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
The Democratic Party 49% responded | 94% | 4% |
The Republican Party 48% responded | 4% | 93% |
In today's election for president, did you just vote for:
4,299 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Joe Biden 50% responded | 93% | 5% |
Donald Trump 49% responded | 3% | 95% |
In today's election for U.S. Senate (unexpired term), did you just vote for:
4,129 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
Matt Lieberman 9% responded | 88% | 8% |
Ed Tarver 2% responded | 85% | 11% |
Raphael Warnock 36% responded | 93% | 5% |
Doug Collins 20% responded | 3% | 95% |
Kelly Loeffler 30% responded | 4% | 95% |
Population of area, three categories
4,345 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
City over 50,000 24% responded | 66% | 32% |
Suburbs 62% responded | 45% | 52% |
Small city and Rural 14% responded | 29% | 69% |
Geo Stratum Code
4,347 Respondents | Voted (D) | Voted (R) |
North 19% responded | 27% | 70% |
Atlanta Suburbs 28% responded | 50% | 48% |
Atlanta Metro 20% responded | 79% | 19% |
Central 18% responded | 42% | 55% |
Coast/South 15% responded | 37% | 61% |