'Book murderer' causes social media uproar over cutting thick paperbacks in half

Alex Christofi cuts books down the middle to make them easier to transport.

January 21, 2020, 11:29 AM

A new, and very literal, life hack has taken the internet by storm.

Alex Christofi, a senior editor at the publishing company OneWorld, caused outrage and awe when he tweeted Tuesday that he cuts lengthy books in half to make them more portable.

"Does anyone else do this? Is it just me?" Christofi wrote.

He noted that his colleague called him a "book murderer."

His tweet included three books -- David Foster Wallace's "Infinite Jest," which clocks in at 1,079 pages; Joseph Frank's "Dostoevsky: A Writer in His Time" which consists of 984 pages and Jeffrey Eugenides' "Middlesex" which holds 544 pages -- that were hacked in the middle.

A paperback book sits open on a surface in an undated stock photo.
STOCK PHOTO/Getty Images

There are over 5,900 comments on his tweet as of Tuesday morning. It had been retweeted more than 1,800 times.

Christofi did not immediately respond to ABC News for comment, but he has amended his Twitter bio since his post gained notice.

"Book murderer," his bio now reads.