Danielle and Kevin Jonas Reveal Baby Name Details
The 'Married to Jonas' stars dish on impending parenthood, new home.

Jan. 8, 2013 — -- Danielle and Kevin Jonas said the name of their baby girl "just kind of came to us."
Kevin, 26, who's expecting his first child any day now, admits to ABC News that "Jonas is a weird last name, not that many things go with it."
The singer, who announced the pregnancy in July, added that that the name he and his wife chose "rolls off the tongue."
That's about as much as the "Married to Jonas" stars will say right now regarding the name.
"We are trying to keep that a secret because everyone knows we are having a girl, but right when she's born, we are going to tell everyone," Danielle said. "It's different enough, but not too crazy."
Danielle added that the baby's middle name has special meaning to her in particular.
The couple, who married in 2009, spoke to ABC as part of a promotion they are doing with Dreft's new app "Amazing Baby Days," which Kevin said helps him stockpile all the photos of Danielle's pregnancy to make a digital booklet to share down the road.
The couple may have the first and middle names all picked out, but the nursery is a work in progress.
"I am building us a house and we are about two and half weeks away from moving in," Kevin said. "The nursery will be here at the end of next week. The walls are painted. The floors will be stained this weekend, you could move furniture and you could live there, it's fine."
Read: Kevin and Danielle Jonas: 'We're Having a Girl!'
Danielle added that they painted the walls purple because "there's already so much pink for girls everywhere."
Kevin, who along with his brothers announced the split of their band the Jonas Brothers in October, said he's excited that "everything we do now will be different," after the baby's born.
"Going to a restaurant which we've gone to a million times will be different, getting in the car will be different," he added.
But he admits there's going to be tough times too.
"There are going to be times where that baby is not going to stop crying and I'm not going to know what to do, and nothing we are going to do is going to work," he said. "But we are going to get through it and it's going to be great. We are not even going to remember it the minutes she starts to smile."
Related: The Jonas Brothers Officially Call It Quits
The couple has also decided not to take any classes prior to the baby's arrival, so that everything that happens will be fresh and new.
"I think you just learn by experience, trial and error," Danielle said.
As for more kids after this one, Kevin said "we definitely want a larger family" and that because he spent his life around his brothers, "I actually wanted girls."
"I said four, but maybe after this one, three," Danielle joked. "It's tough."
Danielle, who had to be on an IV drip early in the pregnancy, added that this experience was tough at first, "then it got really easy. Now, the past couple of days, it's like I'm done, this baby has to come out soon."