How Finalist Kacy Catanzaro Trained for 'American Ninja Warrior'
Get her fitness regimen and daily diet tips!

— -- Kacey Catanzaro made headlines for becoming the first woman to make the finals of "American Ninja Warrior."
As seen in the video below, she accomplishes various feats of strength, all while maintaining masterful control of her five-foot frame.
"I want to do these things to prove to myself, but like I’ve said before, I also wanted to make these big steps for everyone, for all the women out there and for everybody else that thinks that they can’t do something or that they have an excuse," she told Vulture. "I’ve worked so hard and it’s been a dream come true."
To get ready for the NBC show, Catanzaro, who tried out once before, trained for two years with her boyfriend, free runner Brent Steffensen. Together, they worked out from four to six days per week and did obstacles at night for "a couple hours."
"We’re doing a lot of body weights, circuit training, things like that. There are people that lift heavy weights and that’s great for them depending on what your goal is," she said. "My goal is to be as light and lean and strong as possible for the course."
She also kept her diet clean. Catanzaro avoided processed foods, grains and gluten, instead opting for "super natural things," including greens, fruits and nuts. Her favorite splurge? Chicken nachos.
"I’ve been eating a lot of oatmeal lately, which isn’t the complete grain or gluten-free, obviously, but it does kind of get your body moving," she said. "For the next two meals, it depends on where we are, but we do big salads with eggs or something like that. We love fish -- salmon or shrimp, scallops, definitely lots of seafood."