Lin-Manuel Miranda releases new 'Hamilton' song about Ben Franklin
It's called "Ben Franklin's Song."

— -- "Hamilton" creator Lin-Manuel Miranda has more music for us to get stuck in our heads.
The Tony Award-winning playwright and composer released a new song, this one inspired by the life of Ben Franklin. Called "Ben Franklin's Song", it is a creation of both Miranda and the rock band, The Decembrists.

Miranda, 37, teased the new track Friday on Twitter, asking his followers, "'Member how I said I once wrote some Decemberists-esque lyrics for a Ben Franklin tune, but never set ‘em to music?"
"So I sent the lyrics to @ColinMeloy. He's in @TheDecemberists," he continued. "And HE set it to music as only he and his crew can. It absolutely blew me away. I weent BACK to write new lyrics for a bridge for him."
The song would fit perfectly in the musical Miranda is best known for, "Hamilton." The 2015 hip-hop musical is centered on the life of Founding Father Alexander Hamilton.

"Ben Franklin's Song" appears to be the first of many new songs to come.
Miranda shared on Twitter, "We’re gonna drop some new Hamilton content, every month, December NOW through December 2018."