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Gwyneth Talks Sex, Exes

ByABC News
October 12, 2001, 1:55 PM

October 9 -- Sure, Gwyneth Paltrow won an Oscar, but everyone still seems more interested in her celebrity-spotted personal life than her acting career.The blonde-tressed star dutifully obliges in a new issue of Harper's Bazaar, by admitting that she and her on-and-off-again boyfriend, Ben Affleck, dated longer than she'd earlier admitted

Back in November of last year, Paltrow swore up and down to Entertainment Weekly that their romance was off. "We're close. Sometimes when I'm in L.A., I stay in his house," she told the magazine while promoting their film Bounce, "But it's not what people think it is. We are not together. I swear on my life. We're not."

According to the revised Ben-and-Gwyneth timeline (get out your pens, everyone), the duo dated officially from November 1997 to January 1999, and secretly got back together in November 1999 after they worked together on Bounce. They then separated for good in October of 2000, says Paltrow, (thus rendering her interview to EW technically accurate).

Paltrow refused to talk about her one-time fiancé Brad Pitt to Harper's, but recently admitted, to no one's surprise, that the two never talk. In an August 2000 interview with Vanity Fair, Paltrow said that breaking up with Pitt "really changed my life," and that her "heart sort of broke that day, and it will never be the same."

Gwyneth: 'I'm a Very Sexual Person'The actress, whose upcoming films include the comedy Shallow Hal and the quirky indie The Royal Tenenbaums, has lately been spotted with Luke Wilson, her co-star in Tenenbaums. She tells Harper's about her ideal man, "He's tall and thin, but muscular, to start with the superficial. A gentleman. Someone who's well educated, funny, witty, artistic, and has a lot of integrity. He doesn't have to grab all the attention in the room. A good kisser." Says the star, who's been linked to a series of non-celebs between Affleck and Wilson, "I love men, even though they're lyin', cheatin' scumbags. I'm a very sexual person. I'm lucky if I get past six weeks. The make-or-break is six weeks."