Tips for Parents on Teen Blogging

ByABC News via GMA logo
March 14, 2006, 7:56 PM

March 15, 2006 — -- As social-networking Web sites like and continue to grow, so do the potential dangers they pose to teens and younger kids who use them.

These sites resemble public diaries in that they allow kids to post photos and information that's shared with others. While many young people use them to express themselves creatively or to meet new friends, a number of kids post explicit pictures of themselves or include inappropriate comments or facts about themselves. The danger is that these kids could fall prey to online predators and pedophiles.'s policy is not to allow kids under 14 to post on the site. While these sites may set rules to keep younger kids away, they can't prevent kids from lying about their age., a nonprofit online safety and help group, offers the following tips for parents about talking to their kids about social-networking sites and blogs. For more safety information from Click Here.