'Sports from Hell: My Search for the World's Dumbest Competition,' by Rick Reilly

Read an excerpt of "Sports Hell" by Rick Reilly.

ByABC News via GMA logo
March 5, 2010, 2:43 PM

May 3, 2010— -- In "Sports from Hell: My Search for the World's Dumbest Competition," popular sports columnist Rick Reilly traverses the globe in search of the world's dumbest sport. Among the contenders uncovered by Reilly are chess boxing, a rock-paper-scissors championship and illegal jart throwing.

Read an excerpt of the book below, and then head to the "GMA" Library to find more good reads.

As a parent, you try to be fair. So, at our house, when there was a massive dispute that we couldn't settle between my middle son, Jake, and his brother or sister, I'd always say, "OK-- Rock Paper Scissors."

And the tears would stop and both kids would smile a little and then I'd count, "OK -- one, two, three, shoot!" And every single time Jake would win.

And as he'd run off happily with the last cookie or the found football card or, later, my car, I used to think, "Man, that's the luckiest kid I ever met."

Until one day, years later, I was in Las Vegas, when a poker announcer named Phil Gordon bet me $10 he could beat me in Rock Paper Scissors.

Rock Paper Scissors -- best out of ten -- and he'd give me the first two. And then he proceeded to fricassee me seven out of eight.

"How can that be?" I swore. "It's just pure luck, right?"

Wrong. Turns out Phil Gordon was a pro. In fact, Gordon hosts a $10,000 Rock Paper Scissors tournament in Las Vegas every year. It was the equivalent of having Betty Crocker walk up to you and go, "Wanna bet me in a bake-off?"

Gordon said I had a "tell" every time I'd go to throw Paper. He said I'd form it at the top of my arc and he'd see it and simply put down Scissors. He said newbie males always play a lot of Rock, so he countered with a lot of Paper. It reminded me of a bit from The Simpsons, in which Bart and Lisa are going to play Rock Paper Scissors for the last cupcake.