Q&A With Philip R. Craig of 'A Vineyard Killing'

ByABC News via GMA logo
July 25, 2003, 3:22 PM

July 25, 2003 -- -- While Martha's Vineyard usually conjures up serene thoughts of the sea, the sun and summer fun, author Philip R. Craig's "A Vineyard Killing" reveals a very different aspect of the Massachusetts island.

Read the following online Q and A with Phillip Craig, author of "A Vineyard Killing," one of the selections featured in "Good Morning America's" "Read This!" book series.

The book's main character is J.W. Jackson, a retired Boston policeman and part-time private investigator who lives year-round on Martha's Vineyard with his wife and kids. Although the former policeman is happy to have left his crime-fighting life behind in the big city, trouble seems to find him anywhere.

In "A Vineyard Killing," Jackson finds himself with a new mystery on his hands during the cold month of March, a few months before the tourists arrive. The mystery is set around the attempted murder of a devious real-estate tycoon who has been trying to force locals, including J.W., to sell their island homes for less than they're worth.

If you would like to read an excerpt from "A Vineyard Killing," click here.

Then you can read the following online Q and A with author Phillip Craig:

Q: Congratulations for being picked as part of "Good Morning America's" "Read This" series. I have been a longtime fan of your wonderful Vineyard series. They help me with my ocean withdrawal. I briefly met you and your lovely wife when you came to speak at the Cazenovia Library in Cazenovia, N.Y., and thoroughly enjoyed your talk, especially how you developed your story line, not knowing the ending until the end. After all those years of writing, and the closet full of rejections, I am so happy for you that the world has finally realized what a great storyteller you are. Keep them coming, even though I remember that you stated that you would like to develop a new character. Is that still true?

A: Dear Sally,
I don't remember anything about introducing a new character. Maybe I should listen to what I say more carefully! Thanks for the nice note!

Q: The first chapter book excerpt I read was great! Will you consider making a movie from this story?

A: Dear Marie,
I don't have much to say about whether or not a movie will be made from my books. Personally, I doubt if that will happen because most of the activity in my books takes place inside the narrator's head and that is not something that can be rendered on film. It's possible that someone will take the idea of the books and transform it into something that can be photographed; if so, I'll be delighted!