Things Worth Fighting For

ByABC News via GMA logo
April 6, 2004, 10:43 AM

April 2 -- It is often said that the pen is mightier than the sword. And few people could wield a pen better than Michael Kelly, the first American journalist to be killed in Iraq.

A new book called Things Worth Fighting For is a compilation of Kelly's extraordinary body of work. Read the following exerpt from the book.

Visions of America

King of Cool

Do not blame it on the bossa nova. Nor on rock-and-roll nor soul nor jazz nor rhythm and blues. It wasn't Elvis or the Beatles or the Rolling Stones. It wasn't Washington or Hollywood or the Upper West Side. It wasn't Ted Kennedy and it wasn't Richard Nixon. It wasn't the Years of Rage or the Me Decade or the Decade of Greed. It wasn't the Commies or the Beats, or the hippies or the yippies, or the Panthers or the druggies, or the yuppies or the buppies, or the NIMBYs or the DINKs, or even the ACLU.

No, if you want to finger any one person, place, or thing for what went wrong with America, you need look no further than that accidental one man validation of the great-man theory of history, Francis Albert Sinatra, 1915-98. Yes The Voice, the Chairman of the Board, Old Blue Eyes, the leader of the (rat) pack, the swinger in chief he's the culprit. It's all Frankie's fault.

American popular culture which is more and more the only culture America has, which is more and more the only culture everyone else in the world has (we live, as the gormless Al Gore keeps chirpily and horrifyingly reminding us, in a global village) may be divided into two absolutely distinct ages: Before Frank and After Frank.

Sinatra, as every obit observed, was the first true modern pop idol, inspiring in the 1940s the sort of mass adulation that was to become a familiar phenomenon in the '50s and '60s. One man, strolling onto the set at precisely the right moment in the youth of the Entertainment Age, made himself the prototype of the age's essential figure: the iconic celebrity.