Oprah Winfrey Back on the 'Best Life Diet'

Read an exerpt of Oprah's fitness guru's "Best Life Diet Cookbook."

ByABC News via GMA logo
January 5, 2009, 7:24 PM

Jan. 6, 2009 — -- In December, Oprah made serious headlines when she went public with her struggle with weight gain by showcasing her 200-pound self posed next to an earlier, skinnier picture of herself on the cover of O magazine.

Now, with the launch of her "Best Life" series on her television show this week, Oprah takes aim at the unhealthy habits that led to that weight gain and looks to friend and fitness guru Bob Greene for help.

Greene's book "The Best Life Diet Cookbook" is, along with exercise, helping the media mogul trim down. Read an excerpt of the book below and check out a few of the recipes for a healthy day of eating by clicking here.

Eating is meant to be one of life's great pleasures. The simple act of sitting down to a meal can bring us joy, satisfaction, and, of course, nourishment; in a word, fulfillment -- both physical and emotional. Just think of the many memorable events in your life: sharing an intimate, romantic dinner with your partner, toasting a job promotion with friends, celebrating your child's first birthday, or one of the many special holidays you've spent with family. You may or may not remember the delicious food you enjoyed on these occasions, but I'm willing to bet that you remember the moment, the ritual of eating with friends and family, the joy of sharing these events with your loved ones. Simply put, the pleasure of eating and the bonding experience of a meal shared with others is a truly gratifying experience, one that enriches and improves our lives.

Unfortunately, so many of us have lost that special connection with the experience of eating. The reality is that our busy schedules have prevented us from savoring the act of sitting down to a meal, whether it's just yourself or with those you care about. As a result, many of us have fallen into the trap of trying to satisfy the need for emotional fulfillment that once may have come from dining with friends and family by focusing on the quantity of food and eating more than we probably need or is healthy. That's where this cookbook can help: you can reclaim the experience of eating as a celebration by sitting down to enjoy these high-quality, delicious dishes without overdoing it. This book contains more than just recipes, though. You'll also find a few different two-week meal plans, all of which incorporate these delicious recipes into a day's worth of eating to ensure that you get all the nutrients you need and the right amount of calories.

I hope that you'll come to think of eating healthy, home-cooked meals made from the freshest, most natural ingredients as a gift that you give to yourself and your loved ones. This may require you to reconsider cooking a bit; I encourage you to try to think of whipping up a nutritious meal not as just another task you have to do at the end of a busy day, but as a ritual that provides important vitamins and minerals, promotes good health, and gives you a wonderful opportunity to spend quality time with your family. Nourishing yourself and your loved ones, especially with great, healthy foods, is simply one of the most effective ways to satisfy the body and soul.