Need Flexibility? Work From Home

ByABC News via GMA logo
August 29, 2006, 5:44 PM

Aug. 30, 2006 — -- There's a growing option for moms or others who are looking for jobs with a lot of flexibility -- employment at a virtual call center. As customer service representatives, agents at a virtual center take incoming calls and handle requests through a computer networked within the company -- and they can do it all from home.

This is a great opportunity for stay-at-home moms, military spouses, disabled or physically challenged men and women, and those who are the primary caregivers to children or parents. It offers the ultimate in flexibility -- you schedule your own hours. In this case, working from home is not only a benefit, it's a requirement of the job.

There are about 100,000 home-based agents now in the United States. That number is expected to triple to 300,000 by 2010, according to industry research group IDC. That's because large companies recognize enormous financial savings from using home-based agents. About 1,000 businesses in the United States are doing it now -- and more are catching on daily because there is lower turnover, improved productivity and no costly overhead.

As holiday planning kicks in to gear toward the end of the year, there is always great demand for customer service representatives. It takes anywhere from three to six weeks to get hired, so you'll want to start right now to get onboard with this line of work.

Tools and Temperament

There are two crucial, must-haves for doing this kind of work -- the right tools and the right temperament.

For tools, a computer, high speed Internet access, a land-line telephone to handle incoming calls, and a quiet work space are necessities. There are no exceptions to these four firm requirements.

If you meet those, then you can fill out an online application. Get started by visiting the sites of three leaders in the field: Alpine Access (, VIPDesk (, and Willow CSN ( Hiring is handled online and on the phone, which mirrors the type of work you're doing. Expect to be tested in typing, writing, language and computer skills. And some companies also require drug testing and background checks.