From 'Supergirl' to super songwriter: Melissa Benoist stars as Carole King in Broadway's 'Beautiful'

The "Supergirl" star previously sang every week as one of the stars of "Glee."

June 21, 2018, 1:32 PM

Melissa Benoist is making the leap from "Supergirl" to super singer-songwriter Carole King.

The "Supergirl" star will take over the lead role in Broadway's "Beautiful: The Carole King Musical," about the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame legend behind such hits as "So Far Away," "It's Too Late" and "You've Got a Friend."

While she's done musical theater in the past and sang every week as one of the stars of "Glee," Benoist didn't expect to be on Broadway at this point in her career.

"It sort of just fell together," she told ABC Radio. "I had a break from 'Supergirl' and I wasn't planning on doing anything...I kinda wanted to relax...and this came about.

"I had always been a big fan of Carole, so it sorta just felt like I wouldn't forgive myself if I hadn't take the opportunity."

Melissa Benoist is pictured as "Supergirl."
CBS/Warners Bros./IMDB

Though just 29, Benoist is a fan of King's music.

"It was played around my house," she said. "Both my parents were always reminds me of my mom. And the emotion, too, is something I've always connected to."

Benoist continued, "What I think is the most surprising about [King] is this sort of duality she holds. She is a 'square,' and very reserved, and not your typical rock and roll writer...[but] she has this inner strength and confidence -- she can command a room of 20 musicians, and she did it when she was 16!"

Benoist also hopes her Broadway stint will inspire "Supergirl" fans to turn out for the Broadway show.

"So far, I've seen a few little girls in Supergirl capes [at the show] and it's really nice, because theater was so important to me growing up," she said.

"I hope if there are some Supergirl fans who haven't seen live theater or Broadway, maybe they['ll] fall in love with it now."

Benoist will star in "Beautiful: The Carole King Musical" through August 4.