Excerpt: 'I'm Hosting as Fast as I Can!'

"DWS" host details his life story in a new, humorous book.

ByABC News via GMA logo
April 8, 2009, 4:06 PM

April 9, 2009 — -- In his eight seasons of hosting the very popular "Dancing With the Stars" television show, host Tom Bergeron has had to handle strict judges, a fainting actress, shocking eliminations and quick throws to commercial breaks. But the television veteran always does it with a comedic flair that keeps audiences interested and entertained.

Now Bergeron has written a new book about his career experiences called "I'm Hosting as Fast as I Can!" The Massachusetts native and Emmy nominee describes his first broadcast job at age 17 and his subsequent high-profile gigs, which have included host of "Hollywood Squares," "America's Funniest Home Videos."

Read an excerpt of his book below.

Salmon Chanted Evening

I was facedown on the bed, suffocating. I couldn't move. In the distance I could hear Lois's voice.

"He's not breathing. Tom! Tom!!"

With great effort I jerked back my head and sucked in a lungful of air. Still, I felt like my body was encased in pudding.

"What's your name?" "What date is this?" "How many fingers am I holding up?"The questions were coming at me from different voices. I was aware of more people in the room now. Their faces felt inches away from my own. The room. I know where I am. I'm in my bedroom in Connecticut. But who are these people? And why do I feel like I've been partying with Timothy Leary?

Earlier in the day I'd been in New York, not far from the studio where Fox After Breakfast originated. I'd had lunch with two friends, the show's co–executive producer Paul Shavelson and coordinating producer Helen Tierney. We were catching—and kvetching—up.Paul, a wonderfully creative talent and engaging eccentric, had been a major reason why Breakfast Time had continued to shine after Peter Faiman's departure during its first year. Helen, who had produced my Magic FM radio show in Boston—and given me the nickname "Jerky"—was my only choice when Peter offered me the chance to bring one person with me to New York. She'd become like family to Lois, the girls, and me. It was mostly her warnings about the Fox show, along with Lois's, that I'd chosen to ignore.

It had been several weeks since I wearily cashed in all my vacation time, effectively quitting Fox After Breakfast. Paul had cautioned me that the network wasn't likely to welcome me back from my break. I assured him I wasn't planning on returning anyway. Basically, Fox and I had decided it was best if we saw other people.

Paul picked the restaurant for our bittersweet reunion. I had the salmon. Bad choice, as it turned out. Within hours I'd be a candidate for the Food Poisoning Hall of Fame. Not that Lois and the medical team knew it at the time. They all thought I was having a major heart attack. So, immediately after I'd aced the questions in the paramedics lightning round, we moved right into the "hightail it to the hospital" round.