Seducing with Their Wit: Funny is the New Sexy

ByABC News via GMA logo
July 28, 2006, 10:56 AM

Aug. 5, 2006 — -- Sure, they've got rock solid abs and a mouth full of pearly-whites, but Hollywood's hottest hunks have been losing out to the funny guys who are redefining what it means to be sexy. Chiseled features or not, ladies everywhere are looking to swap good looks for laughs.

"Funny men are incredibly appealing because it's just an instant good time," said Caroline Schaefer, Senior Editor at US Weekly. "They love the laughter. They love the sense of humor."

It's been reported that sparks flew between Jennifer Aniston and her funny man Vince Vaughn on the set of their movie "The Breakup."

"If Jennifer Aniston wants to come my way and she wants me to make her laugh, hah hah, I am your trained monkey," said actor Michael Ian Black. "Whatever you need, I will supply."

Black jokes that he's the whole package.

"Do I have the rock hard abs?" he said. "Yeah, however I also have the winning personality and the winning smile that launched a thousand ships."

Aniston isn't the only one who chose someone who would make her laugh. Heather Locklear traded her rocker hubby Richie Sambora for comedian David Spade. Even bombshell Jenny McCarthy found her match with the always unpredictable Jim Carrey.

Ben Stiller, Will Ferrell and Jerry Seinfeld are well known for seducing women with their wit.

"They're not afraid to make a fool of themselves," Schaefer said. "They're also very easy-going, they sort of go with the flow."

ABC News's Taina Hernandez reported this story for "Good Morning America."