Melissa Joan Hart, Louie Vito Voted Off 'Dancing With the Stars'

Actress, professional snowboarder done dancing in double elimination.

ByABC News via GMA logo
October 13, 2009, 2:18 PM

Oct. 28, 2009— -- Melissa Joan Hart and Louie Vito hung up their dancing shoes this week in a double elimination that sent two couples home from "Dancing With the Stars."

The spell is over for "Sabrina the Teenage Witch" star Hart and her partner, two-time champion Mark Ballas.

"We had a great time," Hart said today on "Good Morning America." "It's kind of interesting that we all go off together."

Hart and Ballas were the couple with the lowest score Monday night, based on the judges' scores and fan votes, and were the first couple eliminated. Following a dance-off between Michael Irvin and Louie Vito ( the two stars with the next to lowest scores), the judges decided to put professional snowboarder Louie Vito on ice.

Vito, who had never danced, said that his snowboarding experience helped him in the ballroom.

"The flips definitely helped … other than that I was lost out there half the time," he said. "It was a whole new world for sure."

Ballas and Vito's partner Chelsie Hightower praised the stars' work ethics throughout the competition.

"I thought she danced beautifully," Ballas said of Hart. "We had a wonderful time working together. She'd never taken a step in her life."

"With an athlete you always have the work ethic there," hightower said. "[Vito] definitely improved a lot."

Hart said appearing on the show was "a dream come true" and that her young sons were also proud of her.

"They were loving it," she said. "Now I'll go home and dance with my boys tonight."

On week six of "Dancing With the Stars," the scores were close throughout much of Monday night as the dancers showed off their jitterbugs and waltzes.

Then, the first ever competition mambo placed certain competitors clearly ahead of others. Joanna Krupa and Derek Hough led the way with a score of 36.