Video of a toddler having a full-on conversation with dad is racking up millions of likes

Dad played along as Kingston babbled away in response to his TV commentary.

June 15, 2020, 7:00 PM

A video of an 18-month-old chatting it up with his father has taken over the internet.

On June 4, mom Shanieke Pryor of Tennessee, shared footage of her son Kingston and dad DJ Pryor sitting on the couch while watching TV and engaging in hilarious conversation.

DJ Pryor of Tennessee, played along as Kingston babbled away in response to dad's TV commentary.
Pryor family

Dad played along as Kingston babbled away in response to his TV commentary.

The video quickly garnered 1 million shares on Facebook and was later shared all over Twitter.

Even Captain America himself -- Chris Evans -- tweeted the video, writing, "I could've watched an hour of this."

DJ Pryor of Tennessee, played along as Kingston babbled away in response to dad's TV commentary.
Pryor family

The Pryors told "Good Morning America" that Kingston loves to talk, sing and play the drums.

Shanieke Pryor shared footage of her son Kingston and dad DJ Pryor sitting on the couch while watching TV and engaging in hilarious conversation on June 4, 2019.
Pryor family

Editor's note: This was originally published on June 6, 2019.

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