Scarless Surgery Takes Years Off

ByABC News via GMA logo
June 3, 2006, 8:33 AM

June 3, 2006 — -- Tracey Bronner didn't like what she saw in the mirror.

The 49-year-old mother was frustrated because she'd been battling under-eye bags since she was a teen, and the puffiness always made Bronner look older than her years.

"Even getting a good night's rest wasn't getting rid of the bags," she said.

Like Bronner, 47-year-old Barbara Nazzaro, who juggles two jobs and works more than 70 hours a week, also felt disappointed with what she was seeing in the mirror.

"When I look in the mirror, I look tired to myself," she said. "I want to look more rested ... eyes just to be more open and cheeks a little lifted."

Both women decided to take action and opted for cosmetic surgery that promised an under eye-lift without scars.

"The lower-lid approach, called the transcongential approach, is a wonderful approach in that there is no outside cutting," said Dr. Andrew Elkwood. "There is no reason to stitch on [the] outside, no cutting on [the] outside. It's all done through the inside of the lid."

Elkwood performs this procedure up to five times a week, often combining it with an upper-lid lift to create a dramatic difference. He said these types of procedures are very common heading into the summer.

"This is a surgery that patients like during the summer because it's very easy to hide," he said. "You are quick to get back to work, and with sunglasses no one is the wiser."

The scarless eyelift is a relatively simple procedure: The fatty tissue is removed through an incision from the inside of the lower lid. Once the bags are gone, doctors use a laser to smooth out the skin on the outside and lessen discoloration.

The surgery is intended for people with puffiness, not severe bags under the eyes. Doctors say it lasts for years, but the surgery is usually not covered by insurance unless the puffiness inhibits the patient's ability to see.

Philadelphia plastic surgeon Dr. Tim Greco said the laser resurfacing under the eye really makes the difference. "It will treat fine wrinkles, it can help tighten the skin," he said.