Are Pears Healthier Than Apples?

ByABC News via GMA logo
June 5, 2005, 11:37 AM

June 5, 2005 — -- The hourglass figure that helped make stars like Beyonce and Jennifer Lopez famous may also keep them healthy.

A Danish medical study found that pear-shaped women with wider hips live longer than apple-shaped women who are bigger around the middle.

Researchers studying 3,000 men and women for more than a decade found that pear-shaped women had an 87 percent reduction in deaths and an 86 percent reduced risk of heart disease as compared with apple-shaped women.

"If you have fat on the stomach area, looking more like an apple, let's say it's a more unhealthy kind of fat," said Dr. Marc Siegel of the NYU School of Medicine. "You might be at a higher risk for heart disease and stroke."

Women told ABC News' "Good Morning America" the study makes them concerned.

"Because I'm apple-shaped, my chances of living longer are in jeopardy if I don't do something," one said.

Another expressed resignation.

"People can't do a lot about their body shape," she said. "They're born [with] it. It's genetics."

Doctors say she's basically right -- larger hips are a result of hormones. Still, they add that no matter what your body shape, it is never healthy to be overweight, that everyone should eat well and exercise.

There's little consolation for men. The study found the health benefit of big hips is reserved solely for women.