Holiday Party Dresses for Under $50

You can be a fashionista even during the recession.

ByABC News via GMA logo
December 5, 2008, 11:40 AM

Dec. 5, 2008 — -- Holiday party season will soon be in full swing, so what's a budget-conscious gal with nothing to wear to do?

Glamour magazine fashion editor-at-large Suze Yalof-Schwartz to the rescue with five great "recessionista" party dresses, all costing under $50. These dresses plus a few well-chosen accessories and you've got an outfit that only looks expensive.

From Work to Party
Chadwicks, $39.99 – Green, pleated dress made of silk crepe. Handbag from DSW, about $30.

Formal Affair
Marshall's, $39.99 – Rust-colored sleeveless dress. Clutch purse from DSW, $30.

Covered-up Sexy Wal-Mart, $20 – Red wrap dress. Jewelry from R.J. Graziano, under $50.

Modern Tartan
JC Penny, $44.99 – Plaid, tartan shirtdress, perfect for Christmas.

Fun and Flirty
H&M, $39.90 – Purple, knee-length dress perfect for any occasion. Banana Republic jewelry, under $50.

Glamour Dress-Up Don'ts