California Family Lights Up the Neighborhood

The Weavers illuminate 14 homes in their neighborhood with holiday lights.

ByABC News via GMA logo
December 7, 2008, 4:29 PM

Dec. 9, 2008 — -- Scott Weaver and his wife Rochelle have helped make their Rohnert Park, Calif., cul-de-sac one of the most vibrant in the area with themed, holiday decorations celebrating the season, but also paying homage to their deceased family members and classic cartoon characters.

A home that was much more subdued 15 years ago now includes hundreds of hand-sketched cut-out plywood characters.

"It started slow and progressively worked its way up," said Rochelle, 46, who works as a loan processor.

Her husband, 48, said, "I started putting up lightings and it just snowballed. Every year, I'd just add to it and add to it."

He was further encouraged during his second year when a visitor dropped by his home.

"It made me feel so good that someone wanted to get out of their car to see my decorations," he said. "I was just honored that someone wanted to see my house and that may have planted the seed for me to try and make it better and better."

Weaver's enthusiasm proved contagious and his neighbors began requesting decorations for their homes. Now, all 14 homes in the cul-de-sac feature Scott Weaver's artwork.

Adorning his home and others is, literally, a full-time job. Weaver spends four of his annual five weeks of vacation preparing and decking out his home. It involves working seven days a week and sometimes putting in as much as a 12-hour day.

And it has become a family affair. The Weavers' 17-year-old son Tyler helps out. "He helped probably over 12 days this year," said Scott, who works as a supermarket produce manager.

The cheery display has become so massive that it has garnered its own moniker Weavers Winter Wonderland.

Each year, Weaver adds more decorations to his Christmastime scene, which includes a working six-and-a-half-foot waterfall.

"I love fantasy and this is like my own little way of showing my artwork for fantasy," he said.

This year, his additions included a 23-foot-tall Genie with Aladdin and Jasmine on a 6-foot-long carpet.