Malia and Sasha Enjoy Scavenger Hunt, Movies

On their first night in the White House, the Obama girls didn't hold back.

ByABC News via GMA logo
January 21, 2009, 10:10 AM

Jan. 21, 2009 — -- In their wildest dreams, Malia and Sasha Obama never could have imagined what was in store for them on their first night in the White House.

While their parents danced the night away at 10 different inaugural balls across Washington , the Obama girls had some fun of their own, gallivanting around 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue with a few of their closest friends.

Malia, 10, and Sasha, 7, had requested two of their favorite movies -- Disney's "High School Musical 3" and "Bolt" -- for their first night as presidential daughters.

In keeping with tradition, the White House staff had planned even more for the first daughters.

The staff had spent the day organizing a late-night scavenger hunt for the girls that would teach them in the ins and outs of their new digs.

Chelsea Clinton, who was 12 years old when her father, President Bill Clinton, was sworn into office, also participated in a scavenger hunt arranged by White House ushers on her first night.

Capricia Marshall, an aide to Hillary Clinton and her social secretary, who was by Chelsea Clinton's side as she grew up in the White House, told the Obama girls that secret passageways and hideouts await them.

"I'll give them a hint," Marshall said on ABC's "Good Morning America." "On the second floor start pushing at some walls and you will discover they kind of pop open."

"There are some great passageways," she said.

But the best-secret of all may have been what the Obama girls found at the end of the last clue in the scavenger hunt. Real-life Disney stars -- teen sensations the Jonas Brothers -- had stopped by the house to visit two of their biggest and most presidential fans.

This makes it twice in one week for the Obama sisters and the Jonas brothers who, just a few nights before, had appeared at the Kids' Inaugural Concert where Malia and Sasha could be seen dancing to the music and snapping photos of the boys.

A source tells ABC News that the Jonas brothers arrived at the East Portico with their parents and were quickly taken to the East Room.

The brothers played three acoustic songs and posed for photos with each of the young guests at the party. Approximately 50 kids were at the private concert.

And while last night may have been one of the most memorable of Malia and Sasha's short lives, there is a lot more to look forward to as they become accustomed to life in the White House.