One Year Later: Bob Woodruff's State of Health

ByABC News via GMA logo
January 29, 2007, 7:29 AM

Jan. 29, 2007 — -- One year ago today, ABC News anchor Bob Woodruff's convoy was hit by a roadside bomb, severely injuring him and ABC cameraman Doug Vogt.

"I am alive after being so close to not making it through all this," Woodruff said while accepting an award for courage.

Woodruff and Vogt were shooting a story while on patrol with U.S. and Iraqi forces at the time of the attack. They were out of the hatch, vulnerable to attack, when suddenlya roadside bomb exploded, nearly killing them.

"My initial assessment was, of him, was that he was dead," said Army First Sgt. John McFarlane.

Because of shrapnel, Woodruff and Vogt had severe injuries to their head, neck and back. Military doctors rushed to save them, while their families back home waited helplessly.

"I think of it now as this moment in time that changed -- certainly changed -- all our lives in our family," said Woodruff's brother Dave Woodruff.

Five months later, Woodruff visited the ABC newsroom. His sense of humor was still intact, as was his sense of purpose.

"[I] woke up in this hospital, and I looked up and I just thought about you guys," Woodruff told his colleagues. "I thought about everything that I wanted badly to come back to."

Woodruff has made an amazing recovery. He's working again and even driving, and he credits the quick action of the doctors on the field with his recovery.

"What the amazing thing through all of this is the doctors and nurses who have come around saved so many lives, not just mine but so many lives," he said.

"Rehabilitation is so critical," he added.

Woodruff will tell his story of the attack and recovery, and those of soldiers who have suffered similar injuries in a primetime special set to air on Feb. 27.