We're halfway through this month's Mercury in Retrograde: Here’s what it means for you

This month's Mercury in Retrograde goes until March 28. So, what does that mean?

ByABC News via GMA logo
March 18, 2019, 4:00 AM
Mercury Retrograde
Mercury Retrograde
Photo Treatment by ABC News

Greg Tufaro is a second-generation astrologer and segment producer for "Good Morning America."

We're almost at the halfway point of Mercury in Retrograde. For those of you who are less in-the-know, it occurs for approximately three weeks at a time and typically happens three times a year. This month, it began on March 5 and continues until March 28 in the sign of Pisces. So, what does that mean?

Over three weeks, Mercury, the planet of communication, as it’s known in astrology, appears to be moving backward in the sky (i.e. retrograde) from our point of view here on Earth. In reality, its continued revolution around the sun is what appears to create that backwards motion.

During these three weeks, communication (and everything that communication typically represents and implies) is thought to break down more frequently than one would typically expect. There are more likely to be technological breakdowns and delays in getting where you need to go. People from the past, with whom there is unfinished business, are more likely to pop up to bring things closer to a proper resolution. For a more explicit description of how it will typically reflect itself in the circumstances of your everyday life, you can take a look at my earlier column.

In the meantime, here’s how each sign is more likely to experience its effect for the next couple of weeks:

Aries (March 21-April 19)
Secrets from the past may suddenly reveal themselves this month. Or, you could revisit a health issue you’ve been attempting to avoid because it is wearing you down psychologically. It’s probably better to face the music now than ignore things any longer. Clearing out the cobwebs of your mind, body and soul is the best way you can move forward this month.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
Is there a dream you let go of years ago? A long forgotten wish you hoped to make come true? Take a look back, in particular, at those things where you may have been part of a group of people working toward a similar goal. Reach out and see if any of your friends want to reignite that fire and make those dreams attainable once and for all. My bet? They’re likely to be thinking the same thing.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Don’t make any sudden moves in terms of your career, especially if you’re suddenly experiencing miscommunications at work. They’re more likely to happen right now. The only exception to this rule would be if you’re reconnecting with a former colleague about the possibility of working together once more. In that case, it’s okay to entertain a conversation, but don’t sign on the dotted line just yet. Wait until Mercury is out of retrograde and you can see things more clearly. You may be forgetting why you parted ways in the first place.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)
Want to go back to school? Want to take a vacation far, far away? Go ahead and explore the possibilities in your mind right now, but be aware that your thoughts on the matter are likely to be cloudy, and getting where you want to go may take more time than you think. Dreaming about possibilities and potential is the best thing you can do for yourself right now.

Leo (July 23-August 22)
Kids, sex, and inheritance: three things that you’re more likely to be pondering right now. At first glance, they may seem unrelated, but in reality, they all concern issues of life and death. If things haven’t been working out for you in any of these areas (i.e. trouble having kids, sex drive low, money hasn’t come your way), this could be the moment when things suddenly shift and your next chapter officially begins. It’s about time, right?

Virgo (August 23-September 22)
Partnerships are more likely to be challenging - both professional and personal, but be smart. Don’t take too much to heart. You may be misconstruing what you’re hearing. Before reacting, take a beat. Take a breath. Give consideration to your own words too because they are just as powerful and can have just as much of a deleterious effect on your partner as they do on you. Sometimes words can’t be taken back. It’s best to be extra careful right now.

Libra (September 23-October 22)
Is work weighing you down to the point that you’re starting to feel sick and you just KNOW that what’s happening to you isn’t psychosomatic? Don’t be so sure. It may be all in your mind, but you should DEFINITELY not ignore what you’re feeling. Go get a checkup to make sure everything is okay. You’re more likely now to be feeling drained and out of balance. Make a course correction. Do some mindful meditation to get your thoughts and reality back on track.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
Lucky you. Past love is probably on your mind. In fact, they may suddenly come out of the woodwork to see how you’re doing and what you’re up to. If you’re single, why not mingle? If attached, pay attention to everything else in your life that typically brings you joy, especially if that loving feeling in your relationship is gone at the moment. It’ll be back in a few weeks. I promise.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)
Ugh! Did you just have a flood in your house? Did the power go out for hours at a time and you were left wondering when or if your electricity would be turned back on any time soon? Duhn, Duhn, Duhn… Mercury strikes again! If you’ve been luckier than other Sagittarians, check in on your parents and see what’s been happening in their house. They may not have been so fortunate and could definitely use a hand.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)
Don’t be surprised if you and your siblings find yourselves arguing over things from childhood. Everybody carries some baggage from their youth — it’s just more likely to be dredged up for you right now. If you’ve been out of touch with a sibling for some reason (i.e. they moved overseas and/or you’ve already had a falling out), now could be the time to reconnect. Why not give them a call to check in on them? Don’t expect miracles when it comes to fixing your relationship. Taking small steps in the right direction is the best you can do today.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)
Money, money, money. It seems to be on your mind more than usual and it could be because your taxes are due really soon. Just make sure that whoever is filling out the paperwork for the IRS has dotted your Is and crossed your Ts. Don’t be surprised to find some typos on your forms, the likes of which could potentially haunt you down the line in a couple of months and make the taxman come-a-calling!

Pisces (February 19-March 20)
Of all the signs, you are most likely to be experiencing the murkiest of moments in your life right now. If you find yourself looking in the mirror wondering, “Why me? Why are things so difficult right now? When will things turn around?” Just know that this too shall pass… Life goes in waves and cycles. You’ll probably start feeling better right around the time Mercury goes out of retrograde on the 28th. Why not look forward to that?

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