New Tapes Show Joran Van Der Sloot and Murder Victim in Peru Hotel

Newly released video shows Stephany Flores entering van der Sloot's hotel room.

ByABC News via GMA logo
June 4, 2010, 8:30 AM

June 7, 2010— -- The families of Natalee Holloway and Stephany Flores Ramirez are dissecting new video tapes released by authorities in Peru showing both Flores' last moments seen alive and the interrogation of Joran van der Sloot, the Dutch playboy suspected in Flores' murder and Holloway's disappearance.

"It just brings back the memories we have dealt with for the last five years," Holloway's aunt Linda Allison told "Good Morning America" today. "It is some comfort knowing know he has been arrested."

Van der Sloot was extradited back to Peru and charged with Flores' murder after fleeing the country for Chile last week just before her battered body was found in his hotel room. Police in Lima believe she was killed exactly five years to the day since Holloway, an American teenager, disappeared while on a school vacation to Aruba.

He has denied killing Flores, whose body was found with a broken neck, according to Peru authorities.

Van der Sloot was arrested twice in Holloway's disappearance, but was released both times without being charged. Holloway was never found.

"He does have an arrogance about him," Allison said. "He does seem to be above the law."

In the video of his interrogation, van der Sloot can be seen calmly explaining where he's been and what he's carrying, including a laptop, cash from different countries and photos. He even seemed friendly with the officers on his long drive back from Chile to Lima.

When investigators asked him where his credit cards were, van der Sloot answered in broken Spanish.

"I have those back in my hotel in Santiago," he said on the video. "I went up to my hotel room and I saw these things on the Internet and I had to leave quickly."

The calm demeanor van der Sloot showed on the video was a stark contrast to the stunned, even frightened look on his face as he was paraded in front of a media frenzy upon his return to Lima.

Allison, too, saw something different about van der Sloot as he was led by authorities, wearing a bullet-proof vest, "maybe one more a little intimidated or maybe afraid, when he was brought in with the police vest on for his protection."

"I think maybe he realizes the seriousness of it this time," she said.

Authorities also released surveillance video taken last week at the hotel in Lima. It shows van der Sloot getting his room key from the front desk. Police said they believe Flores was walking behind him, her back to the camera.

Moments later another camera upstairs captured the two walking into van der Sloot's room. It would be the last time Flores is seen alive.

Flores' father, Ricardo Flores, a well-known politician and race car driver, has said that what he saw on the video was not his daughter's normal walk.

Former FBI special agent Brad Garrett told "Good Morning America" that it seems Flores' is conflicted as she follows van der Slot both in the lobby and into his room.

"It's clear she's sort of stooped over and looking down," he said.

Van der Sloot was captured on camera leaving the hotel alone four hours later, wearing a different shirt and carrying a bag and a backpack.

Flores' body was discovered three days later. Though the hotel management declined to comment on what took so long to discover Flores, sources told ABC News that van der Sloot had pre-paid for a two-week stay and demanded that no one enter his room.

Garrett said that from van der Sloot's demeanor on the interrogation tapes, he appears to be trying to smooth talk investigators.

"He thinks he can talk his way out of just about anything," he said.

Ricardo Flores, who told ABC News that he considered his only daughter to be his "co-pilot" in life, said he has struggled to make any sense of her death.

" The spirit and soul of my daughter is with still us," he said. "I have four sons in body and a daughter in soul and spirit."