Is the Hummer the New Soccer Mom-Mobile?

ByABC News via GMA logo
September 7, 2005, 1:39 PM

Sept. 8, 2005 — -- What is it about the Hummer? I see several H2s daily in my children's carpool lane. For a vehicle with roots in the military, just what is the appeal to these soccer moms?

Before my week in the new H3, I decided to ask several moms what they like about their Hummers. The most common answer in my admittedly unscientific survey is the feeling of safety. One mom described the H2 as making her feel like "anything can hit it and it won't matter one iota." Two of my newest employees have lingering and knowingly unrealistic daydreams of owning Hummers. One described her yearning being "like that chocolate cake you know you shouldn't have, but you dream about it while you eat baby carrots"

Another mom described her temporary love affair with the H2 as being like a small house payment. Between paying for the vehicle and feeding its endless hunger for fuel, she simply couldn't afford the dream any longer and traded it in for something less draining.

So how will the H3 fare? Its smaller size makes it more maneuverable in normal driving conditions, improved fuel mileage means it can be driven even in these post-Katrina days when we're all avoiding the pump, and its very manageable price point makes the Hummer dream a reality for the masses. All this without sacrificing that oh-so-Holywood Hummer look.

In spite of everything it has going for itself on paper, my goal is to see how functional the H3 really is. The rear seat sports plenty of leg room so small children can clamber in and still have room to toss their backpacks on the floor. The easy-to-use latch connectors (seen consistently through all GM vehicles tested recently) are greatly appreciated.

Now that the school year is officially in session, my rating of a car seems to be directly related to whether or not I can fit all carpool members (and their accompanying entourage of booster seats). I'm pleased to inform you that, although a very tight fit, three booster seats fit side by side in the back seat.The cargo space is thoughtfully lined in plastic and keeps muddy soccer equipment from ruining the carpet. The rear seats fold simply in one fluid motion, expanding to make room for a trip to the local home improvement store.