Seven Months Later, Where Does Alli Stand?

The nonprescription drug Alli was introduced 7 months ago with a big splash.

ByABC News via GMA logo
February 9, 2009, 12:29 PM

Jan. 9, 2007 — -- Touted as the nation's first Food and Drug Administration-approved nonprescription weight loss drug and backed by a $150 million ad campaign, Alli hit pharmacy shelves with great fanfare seven months ago.

Sales initially skyrocketed retailers sold 2 million Alli starter kits within the first four months. During that time the total sales were $217 million for GlaxoSmithKline, the manufacturer of the purported weight loss wonder, which it claimed worked by blocking a quarter of all fat consumed.

Some thought the weight loss pill would revolutionize the diet industry and the country's health. Months later, though, some peole are questioning whether Alli lived up to all the hype.

"Looking at this from [GlaxoSmithKline's] standpoint, I think they have a very effective business model. Do I think this will make an impact on the nation's health? The answer is no," said Mitchell Roslin of Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City.

Walgreens, one of the nation's biggest pharmacy chains, said sales of the drug have slowed. GlaxoSmithKline, however, said the drug continues to surpass sales expectations and is helping people meet their long-term weight loss goals.

However, not all Alli consumers have been satisfied with the drug.

Like many Americans, Stefanie Henderson battled her weight and thought she had found a solution to her lifelong struggle when Alli became available.

"I'm 100 pounds overweight. It's emotionally draining. I cry constantly. At 24 years old I weigh 240 pounds," she said.

Henderson was among the millions who raced to a pharmacy to get their hands on what was promoted as diet gold.

"I was in line at the front door of Wal-Mart waiting for Wal-Mart to open when Alli was introduced," Henderson said.

The drug seemed like a magic remedy to Henderson at first, because she lost 10 pounds quickly. But her success was limited. After four weeks, Henderson said her weight loss plateaued and she began experiencing unpleasant side effects, which landed her in the emergency room twice.

"The side effects put me into embarrassing situations," Henderson said. "I couldn't control my bowels. I was running to the bathroom, leaving meetings and literally being stuck."